The present paper aims to conduct a review of available data on the effect of soy, soy foods and soy components on women's fertility and related outcomes. The reduction of estradiol and progesterone could postpone ovulation by lengthening the menstrual cycle. The obtained results were evaluated for duplicates and then screened for titles and abstracts information. The evaluation of isoflavones circulating levels and their urinary excretion allowed to show a wide inter-individual variation of metabolic and absorption capacity. (2016), Consensus: soy isoflavones as a first-line approach to the treatment of menopausal vasomotor complaints, Soy isoflavones for osteoporosis: an evidence-based approach, Soy and isoflavone consumption and multiple health outcomes: umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies and randomized trials in humans, Mosallanezhad Z, Mahmoodi M, Ranjbar S, et al. between 128 women fed with soy-based formula and 268 women fed with cow milk formula during infancy. Isoflavone genistein inhibited the enzyme tyrosine kinase in human A431 cell membranes at 07g/ml, a very high, non-physiological concentration(77) and act as a ligand for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in cultured astrocytes at 500nM(78). Furthermore, even at high concentrations, they did not show a clear influence on fertility. The urinary or serum levels of isoflavones did not affected progesterone levels in the multiple regression analysis. The same authors admitted that they had no information on the type of soy used and about the last ingestion. government site. Women who try soy isoflavones to conceive should understand the following: Do not take soy isoflavones and vitex (chaste berry) at the same time. Finally, twelve entries were identified and ten additional articles were obtained after the consultation of full-text bibliographic lists. However, a suggestive positive influence has been shown among women with fertility issues and during assisted reproductive technologies. No significant differences in fertility outcomes such as missed menstrual periods, pregnancy, live births, abortions, miscarriages, full-term deliveries, preterm deliveries, between soy or cow formula utilisers in infancy were seen, Improved endometrial thickness using transvaginal sonography in soy group compared with placebo. In particular, information about the adequate choice of updated nutritional tables as well as specific nutritional choices, such as increased soy consumption due to pre-existing socio-cultural and physiological aspects should be collected. No changes in progesterone, LH or SHBG after soy intervention, USA/Caucasian, Hispanic, African-American, E2 levels were inversely associated with soy intake, assessed with multiple adjusted spearman rank correlation coefficients. Soy contains numerous phytochemicals that can be responsible for these positive effects through multiple mechanisms. However, the intake of isoflavones in diet has not been investigated, and therefore, it was not possible to define the presence of equol-producers among participants. (2020), Impact of short-term isoflavone intervention in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients on microbiota composition and metagenomics, Fecundity and natural fertility in humans, Choung MG, Baek IY, Kang ST, et al. From obtained data, it seems likely that soy consumption, not only in the form of isoflavones in pharmacological quantities, could have a beneficial effect on fertility, especially in those individuals with fertility problems. (2020), Urinary phytoestrogens and relationship to menstrual cycle length and variability among healthy, eumenorrheic women, Haudum C, Lindheim L, Ascani A, et al. Notably, during manuscript preparation, Messina and colleagues published a technical review on endocrine effect of soy and isoflavones(90). Similar to the previous trial, the number of participants was limited. The fertility concept differs from the fecundity one, which refers to reproductive potential and depends on reproductive physiology, from the production of gametes phase to the ability to carry a pregnancy to term. 1. Furthermore, there was no evaluation of metabolic utilisation capacity of isoflavones and their absorption by measuring serum and urinary levels. (2013), Usual dietary isoflavone intake and reproductive function across the menstrual cycle, Jacobsen BK, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Knutsen SF, et al. These substances could play a role in the ovaries circulatory functions(50). Soy is a key food in human nutrition. Despite adjustments for demographic, lifestyle, dietary factors, including ethnicity and other phytoestrogens, it would have been useful to check the dietary intake of isoflavones for equol-producers evaluation. Furthermore, the absence of gynecological issues was only based on self-reported information. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review on soy effect on women's fertility. But you need to eat a lot of it. Servier Medical Art. (2019), Dietary patterns and outcomes of assisted reproduction, Andres A, Moore MB, Linam LE, et al. No investigation into the individual's ability to absorb and use isoflavones from soy milk was performed. These aspects considerably reduce the reliability of results, favouring data misinterpretation. However, the specific effect of soy intake on women's fertility has not yet been systematically evaluated. It may contain ingredients not listed. (2008), Is there a role for soy isoflavones in the therapeutic approach to polycystic ovary syndrome? A. F. contributed to drafting and revising the manuscript. The use of urinary phytoestrogens and their metabolites is a more reliable system compared to the evaluation of dietary intake. From a sub-analysis on ethnic characteristics, it was further highlighted that only Asian women showed a significant reduction in follicular estradiol from baseline (174%). Furthermore, it should be considered that, as already discussed, many studies display several limitations including inadequate sampling of hormone concentrations during all phases of cycle, low number of participants and the lack of a placebo group. In particular, among selected studies, only the intervention study by Haudum and colleagues explored the stratification of participants for equol-competence(46). Five studies exploring the relationship between soy and the length of menstrual cycle in healthy women have been selected, including two observational studies(41,45) and three longitudinal interventional studies(26,28,29). In this context, the evaluation of urine samples cannot be underestimated as a valuable tool for detection of the real bioavailability of isoflavones whose metabolisation requires the intervention of intestinal microbiota. 1 High Risk Pregnancy Marginal reduction of luteal phase for an increase of 10mg/d IF intake in the adjusted model (aOR: 138, 95% CI 099, 192, Increased fertility (assessed with live birth rates, implantation and clinical pregnancy rates) with higher soy intake through interaction with urinary BPA, compared with no-soy consumption, Soy IF intake reduced the free androgen index (0020005, USA Canada Denmark/Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Hispanic, others, No association between IF intake and fertility (assessed by per-cycle probability of conception) with some marginal evidence of amelioration over 30 years associated with IF, USA/Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic, other, Urinary Ph levels were inversely associated in adjusted regression models with cycle length; urinary Gen levels were associated with cycle irregularity (assessed by fertility monitors and daily journals), Fertility amelioration (based on androgens and AMH levels) among equol-producers in the whole cohort compared with non equol-producers. After 6 months, estradiol levels of patients in the intervention group were higher compared with basal (P<005), whereas luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were unchanged. Among the six women in the first clinical trial(26), the intervention with soy also led to a significant reduction in dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels (23%, P=003), an intermediary in estradiol synthesis. Soy isoflavones have also been found to inhibit tyrosine kinases (14), enzymes that play critical roles in the signaling pathways that stimulate cell proliferation. Using food frequency questionnaires, researchers found that women with high isoflavone intake ( 40 mg/day) had a 3% lower lifetime probability of giving birth to a live child compared to women with a low intake (< 10mg/day). Recently, Wesselink and colleagues evaluated the fertility of 7778 healthy American or Canadian women in two cohort studies that followed participants for 12 months or until pregnancy(44). Yes, soy can cause ovulation problems. The small number of participants significantly limited the quality of results. (2018), Bacterial metabolite S-equol modulates glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion from enteroendocrine L cell line GLUTag cells via actin polymerization. Such shorter menstrual cycle length seemed not clinically relevant because shorter than 1d. Furthermore, for each 1nmol/l increase of genistein, the risk of menstrual cycle irregularities increased (OR: 119, 95% CI 102, 138). The lack of variation in gonadotropins can explain the absence of variation in menstrual cycle. Interest in soy is particularly driven by its possible beneficial effects on human health. The reduction of estradiol concentrations observed became statistical marginal (89%, P=006) when analysis was restricted to the clean dataset: data after exclusion of thirteen specimens collected too soon or too late after ovulation. Only 6% of participants had not soy isoflavone intake. (1987), Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases, Valles SL, Dolz-Gaiton P, Gambini J, et al. Among selected prospective cohort studies, in 2012 Jarrell and colleagues conducted an observational study of 323 Canadian women with late pregnancy (aged at least 35) followed from the second month of pregnancy until delivery(36). Tvitni na twitteru. Nevertheless, these studies often suffer difficulties in evaluating individual effectiveness as well as in identifying possible confounding factors and population characteristics (ethnicity, health conditions, equol-competence, etc.). Soy Isoflavones experiment November 22, 2022 | by happyone18 I'm going to document my experience taking soy isoflavones (SI) this cycle. Reduced E2 levels in follicular phase but not in the luteal phase. In addition, non-English papers could have provided relevant data on the topic, especially those from countries with a more consistent history of soy consumption. The chemical structure similarity between soy isoflavones and endogenous estrogens has always stimulated the attention for this class of compounds. The Adventist Church is a community with very homogeneous habits and a high prevalence of vegetarians (54% lacto-ovo vegetarian and 7% vegan from this study)(51,52). Emerged clinical trials display several limitations including small sample size as well as the longitudinal design without a parallel control group, placebo or a cross-over design consistently limiting the strength of these pilot studies. ( The average person's intake of . This aspect was different from the results of the clinical trials with high intakes listed above, perhaps due to very different intakes (mean isoflavone consumption of 34mg/d in this cohort). Furthermore, the possible ameliorative influence of soy or its components in the case of assisted reproduction techniques outcomes and pregnancy seeking appears promising and worthy of interest. Consequently, the absence of fertility, called infertility, is a disease characterised by the failure to establish a clinical pregnancy and it can depend on various factors including predisposition and behavioural/environmental aspects. As for males, a 2010 meta-analysis highlighted the safety of soy on fertility outcomes(21), recently confirmed by an updated meta-analysis on this topic(22). Keywords were searched in titles and abstracts and combined with MeSH terms, where available, adapting the query format based on the search engine used. Before The disease etiology is still debated but it seems to involve inflammatory mechanisms and oxidative stress(65,66). In the ten women who participated in the second study(29), there were no significant changes in the levels of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. In the study by Nagata and colleagues, fifty Japanese women were enrolled to evaluate the association between soy intake (using an FFQ) and hormone levels. I continued Intralipid after a positive and 2 more the next 2 months. (2001), Antioxidant mechanisms of isoflavones in lipid systems: paradoxical effects of peroxyl radical scavenging. (2003), Antioxidants and reactive oxygen species in follicular fluid of women undergoing IVF: relationship to outcome, Kent LM, Morton DP, Ward EJ, et al. Regarding the observational studies available, in 2015 Venegas et al. A weak . (27) and a longitudinal study published in 2013 by Filiberto et al.(37). Isoflavones are non-steroidal compounds with a chemical structure similar to endogenous estrogens and for this reason, they are defined as phytoestrogens: a functional classification that also includes lignans, coumestans and stilbenes ( 12). Even if the clinical trial did not include a placebo group or randomisation, the presence of a control group and the evaluation of equol-producer individuals mitigated these issues. Soy consumption was not related to estradiol levels or endometrial thickness. I've heard soy increases chances of having twins. 16 Although much of the concern is based on animal research, 16 a sufficient amount of fertility-relevant human research, including both epidemiologic and clinical studies, has been conducted; therefore, conclusions about the impact of soy on fertility can be . The evaluation at two different times of menstrual cycle allowed to discriminate the effect between luteal and follicular phases but not day by day hormonal fluctuations. Among the limitations of this review of literature, we must include the possible avoidance of studies that considered fertility as a secondary outcome and which therefore may have escaped from the manuscript selection. Ricardo Hector Asch (born 26 October 1947) is an obstetrician, gynecologist, and endocrinologist.He worked with reproductive technology and pioneered gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), as well as working on research linking fertility and marijuana usage, and investigated the use of GnRH analogues with Andrew Schally. Received 2022 Jan 30; Accepted 2022 Feb 7. (2009), Effects of soy protein and isoflavones on circulating hormone concentrations in pre- and post-menopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Hormonal effects of soy in premenopausal women and men, Sdergrd R, Bckstrm T, Shanbhag V, et al. The detailed selection process is highlighted in Fig. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. The use of surveys only through self-administered questionnaires, although validated, is easily exposed to self-reporting errors or incompleteness and misclassifications derived from the database used for food intake quantification. Regarding the two mentioned studies, the use of very high amounts of isoflavones is noteworthy because it is not possible to obtain such a dose through diet, therefore the effects found can be interpreted as a pharmacological and not nutritional intervention. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Genistein treatment reduced LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Although not strictly related to the aspect of fertility, the study is still ongoing ( {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT00616395","term_id":"NCT00616395"}}NCT00616395) intending to follow the participants to evaluate effects on reproductive functions, later in life. Eating a few servings of soy each week could improve fertility and metabolic aspects of PCOS. Furthermore, from the multiple regression analysis of ten women in the second trial(29), the reduction of estradiol in both luteal and follicular phases was positively associated with serum and urinary isoflavone levels but not with individual changes in the intake. I was trying since August and my first cycle of soy isoflavones was successful!!! There was no dose-response relation in either cohort. Furthermore, the intervention group showed lower rates of miscarriage (n: 2, 31% v. n: 6, 87%; P<005) and higher rates of pregnancy (n: 13, 200% v. n: 3, 44%; P<005) compared with placebo. (1982), Calculation of free and bound fractions of testosterone and estradiol-17 beta to human plasma proteins at body temperature, Dysbiosis of gut microbiota associated with clinical parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome, The (TAAAA)n microsatellite polymorphism in the SHBG gene influences serum SHBG levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Escobar-Morreale HF, Luque-Ramrez M & Gonzlez F (2011), Circulating inflammatory markers in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and metaanalysis, Showell MG, Mackenzie-Proctor R, Jordan V, et al. Successful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Intake on women 's fertility has not yet been systematically evaluated soy isoflavones fertility twins tastylia same authors admitted they... Not soy isoflavones fertility twins tastylia a clear influence on fertility, Linam LE, et al. ( 37 ) compared to previous... Was trying since August and my first cycle of soy isoflavones was successful!!!!!... 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