The South Dakota record shown is not current. Brown trout are one of them. Fish the points, targeting the deeper water as the day wears on. Id reel it in and it just kept pulling and I was like, man, this thing is huge! Semi-anadromous cutthroats often spend two to five years growing in freshwater before migrating to saltwater. Powell Slough is a sleeper area that can hold good numbers of largemouth that seem to travel in pods. The average mature length of a perch is 4 to 10 inches, with a weight of 4 to 10 ounces. So did I but there wasnt a good source online. Could this be another wild fishing story? Easley was fishing with a few of his buddies out on Lake Casitas in California. Willard Bay 10,000 acres. WebWhat is the biggest largemouth bass ever caught? Theyll stand out because most of the lake is in steep canyon walls. There is two different lakes with the same name. The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught in Utah, , Available here:, Utah Game Fish Records, Available here: . Like, what could possibly be in here thats that big?, It turns out his fish was a koi that weighed 16.9 pounds, more than three times the size of Haws biggest bass. Try out some topwater early and late in the day for some added excitement. StateWeightLocationAnglerYearAlaskao.5 LbsSand LakeN/A2018Alabama16 lbs, 8 ozMountain View LakeThomas Burgin1987Arizona16 lbs, 7 ozCanyon LakeRandall White1997Arkansas16 lbs, 5 ozLake DunnPaul Crowder2012California21 lbs, 12 ozLake CastaicMicheal Arujo1991Colorado11 lbs, 6 ozEcho Canyon ReservoirJarrett Edwards1997Connecticut12 lbs, 14 ozMashapaug PondFrank Domurat1961Delaware11 lbs, 10 ozWagamons PondAJ Klein2016Florida17 lbs, 4 ozUnnamed LakeBilly OBerry1986Georgia22 lbs, 4 ozMontgomery LakeGeorge Perry1932Hawaii9 lbs, 9.4 ozWaita ReservoirDickie Broyles1992Idaho10 lbs, 15 ozAnderson LakeMrs. At this point in time, this was the biggest largemouth bass anyone had caught since Perry caught the world record bass back in the 1930s. The lake is broken into three arms, with the easiest shore access at Cemetery Point. In fact, Kurosaki's 16-pound, 12-ounce fish is the largest fly caught largemouth ever recorded by the IGFA. But this lake is home to some awesome largemouth bass. Not to mention that three of those records were caught in just a year's time! A Utah fisherman recently landed a large fish from a small pondbut it turns out that the fish was an invasive species. Kyle Koopman On December 17, 2021 Im going to beat that Iowa record. George Perry has held this prestigious title for nearly 83 years, since he pulled his massive 22-pound, 4-ounce fish from Montgomery Lake, Georgia on June 2, 1932. Utah Lake is the biggest natural freshwater lake in Utah, and also one of the best bass fishing lakes near Salt Lake City. These areas are typically filled with rocks and submerged trees. Flanagan1949South Dakota9 lbs, 3 ozHudson Gravel PitRichard Vierick1999Tennessee15 lbs, 2 ozChickamauga LakeGabe Keen2015Texas18 lbs, 2.8 ozLake ForkBarry St.Clair1992Utah10 lbs, 2 ozPowell LakeSam Lamanna1974Vermont10 lbs, 4 ozLake DunmoreTony Gale1988Virginia16 lbs, 4 ozConnor LakeRichard Tate1985Washington12 lbs, 8 ozLake BosworthBill Evans2016West Virginia9 lbs, 9.9 ozDog Run LakeEli Gain2001Wisconsin11 lbs, 3 ozRipley LakeN/A1940Wyoming7 lbs, 14 ozPrivate PondDustin Shorma1992. Its a two-hour drive from this lake to Flaming Gorge. This river system is best known as one of Americas and Utahs best fly fishing rivers, but thats far upriver before the Green detours into and back out of Colorado. Crupi, now a retired LA policeman, has been a regular on Lake Castaic since 1977. Turn the legs and thighs of a freshly killed gobbler into comfort food for a chilly spring night. Its also a very popular duck hunting area. Andy Williamson On January 24, 2021. An interview from 1973 recorded Perry saying, "I thought I had hooked a log, but then the log started moving.". It averages 4 miles wide and is home to catfish, white bass, largemough bass, catfish, crappie, blue gills, sunfish, walleyes, and carp. TaylorN/AIllinois13 lbs, 1 ozStone QuarryEdward Walbel1976Indiana14 lbs, 12 ozUnnamed LakeJenifer Schultz1991Iowa10 lbs, 14 ozLake FisherPatricia Zaerr1984Kansas11 lbs, 12.8 ozPrivate Pit LakeTyson Hallam2008Kentucky13 lbs, 10.4 ozWood Creek LakeDale Wilson1984Louisiana15.97 lbsCaney LakeGreg Wiggins1994Maine11 lbs, 10 ozMoose PondRodney Cockrell1968Maryland11 lbs, 2 ozPrivate PondRodney Cockrell1983Massachusetts15 lbs, 8 ozSampson PondWalter Bolonis1975Michigan11 lbs, 15.04 ozBig Pine Island LakeWilliam Maloney1934Minnesota8 lbs, 12.75 ozTetonka LakeJoseph Johanns1959Mississippi18 lbs, 2.4 ozNatchez State Park LakeAnthony Denny1992Missouri13 lbs, 14 ozBull Shoals LakeMarvin Bushong1961Montana8 lbs, 12.8 ozNoxon Rapids ReservoirDarin Williams2009Nebraska10 lbs, 11 ozSandpit Near ColumbusPaul Abegglen Sr.1965Nevada12 lbs evenLake MeadMicheal R. Geary1999New Hampshire10 lbs, 8 ozLake PotanipoG. The lake is shallow, with the deepest points only 12 feet. Even bigger lake trout have since been caught and released in the Gorge, with some exceeding 46 inches in length. Bass Crash Course: Technique tweaks to maximize distance and accuracy. There are some excellent spots around the lake in the reeds and rocky outcroppings to target bass with spinnerbaits cast toward shore into the edge of the weed lines. In the spring, largemouth bass make a redd or nest on a shallow gravel bed and lay eggs. It's a thought that has crossed all of our minds. Quail Creek is going to challenge your bass fishing skills. DMAD Reservoir 1,199 Acres. Have some feedback for us? Catch and keep record fish. WebThe Best Largemouth Bass Fishing in Utah Lake Powell. The fish listed here are the biggest caught in Lake Powell. Noticing that the fish was a spawning female and full of eggs, Crupi returned the fish to the livewell after it was officially weighed in, and eventually released the fish at the same spot he pulled it from the water earlier that morning. There are several easy access points throughout its length, with community ponds planted with bass along the river. There is a dark band along the side, running from nose to tail, of irregular dark patches. Most of the largemouth in Utah range from 1 to 3 pounds, but it's not uncommon to catch a fish weighing up to 5 or 6 pounds. Ray Johnson holds the state record with his catch weighing 2 pounds, 11 ounces, and he caught the fish in Yuba Reservoir in 1984. At this point in time, this was the biggest largemouth bass anyone had caught since Perry caught the world record bass back in the 1930s. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Although the reservoir is relatively new, finding 5lb + bass can be frequent. Subscriber Services. The fish eventually became the men's 20-pound line class record, where it still remains today. The fishing here can be fantastic, though theres a ton of boat traffic during the summer. Largemouth bass frequent the areas surrounding the mouths of each of these inlet streams. Theres plenty of cover and rocky shoreline for them. Few areas in the world offer the incredible scenery and beautiful red rock canyons youll experience while casting for black bass. Whats shaped like a torpedo and striped like a tiger? Start your day in the community of Green River along Interstate 70 and head to the state park there. There is also some decent sized Walleye here. Eric Lundgren of Ruger, which now owns Marlin, highlights the features of both rifles with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. The reservoir is near Delta, which is about 30 minutes from the Little Sahara Sand Dunes. Fish rocky points and the same sloping areas for them that hold largemouths, and youll have great luck year-round. On that morning, Easley was fishing Lake Casitas, California with a few buddies who were inexperienced anglers. The islands are accessible by boat and have some of the best chances for bigger largemouth. The state regularly stocks rainbow trout, which Haws has caught. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. It is 9 lb. I waded into the Provo River just to the south of Utah Lake State Park and threw a black spinnerbait along the edges of the river. Not a bad year at all. On June 2nd, 1932, George Perry caught the current world record bass out of Lake Montgomery, an oxbow lake off the Ocmulgee River in southern Georgia. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. All Rights Reserved. Largest Bass Caught By State - ALL 50 States Records. Archery record fish. Keeping some or all of your limit at Powell will help keep the population healthy. Big bluegill patterns should bring in the bigger bass. Bass are one of the most sought after of all the game fish. or superseded by additional information. Its teeming with channel catfish, walleye, white bass, largemouth, smallmouth, perch, carp, northern pike and far too many bullheads. Utah Lake is a natural and ancient lake which has several inlets or tributaries that brings water from the nearby mountains. Some records date back to George S Perry's world record bass in 1922 while others state records seem to be broken every year. | Site Maps, About Us, Advertising, Terms & Contact Us |, Site Maps, About Us, Advertising, Terms & Contact Us. This time he pulled an incredible 22-pound lunker from the lake using a live crawdad and utilizing the same technique he had employed for the record fish he caught the year before. There are some big fish to catch, along with many smaller ones. The South Dakota record shown is not current. When Raymond Easley caught his historic 21-pound, 3-ounce largemouth on March 4 1980, it was the largest bass anyone had recorded since George Perry's All-Tackle monster in 1932. Those denoted with an asterisk* are also the Utah State Record for biggest fish of the species ever caught in Utah. 3. They are the area experts on this water. The section north of the park to the Colorado border holds good numbers of smallmouth bass. The largest largemouth bass caught in Utah weighed 10 pounds and 2 ounces. There are a few smallmouth bass in the lake but not in sufficient numbers to target. 13. When I'm not working, I enjoy playing video games with friends. It averages 4 miles wide and is home to catfish, white bass, largemough bass, catfish, crappie, blue gills, sunfish, walleyes, and carp. Jordanelle will allow you to catch a lot of fish. There is a good bass population there, and they will go after a drop shot, Ned rig, or a wacky rigged Senko. Spring is the best for big fish. Utah's Weekly Outdoor News 10-19-18 -, Utah's Weekly Outdoor News September 14th 2018 - taken from Indian Scout Lake, Apr. There are urban legends about divers in Lake Powell encountering hulking fish the size of Volkswagens. In 2014 the water was drained to a puddle, in order to repair the dam. Downriver from I-70 youll also run into fantastic smallmouth bass fishing. Lake Powell tops our list for several reasons and is a bucket list destination for anglers worldwide for largemouths and several other game fish species. Largemouth bass are found throughout Utah in smaller community ponds and several lakes, though for a real experience, the biggest draw here for bucket mouths is Lake Powell. They prefer slow-moving, big rivers or streams with peaceful grounds. It held the state record for years before Powell took over. var ffid = 1; The position of the Hallucigenia's head puzzled scientists for several years. Otter Creek Reservoir size 2,500 acres. Hooking into bass after bass in the 2- to 3-pound range is a great time. Some other sites confuse this water with Gunnison Bend Reservoir which is only 706 acres in size. The rear portions of bays and coves are perfect spots to hit during the spawn. A personal favorite spot is next to the dam. 19. WebThe Best Largemouth Bass Fishing in Utah Lake Powell. Although you can also catch some decent Smallmouth Bass there too. 5.3K views 1 year ago. The All-Tackle record for largemouth bass is the most sought after game fish record in the world. I dont know what putting koi in here is going to affect, but usually theres unintended consequences with putting fish that dont belong in a pond in a pond, he said. The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught in New Jersey. WebTOP 3 HUGE Largemouth BASS CAUGHT on CAMERA. = 'block'; 1. WebThe state record largemouth bass was caught from Lake Powell. SPECIES YEAR WEIGHT Length Angler Location Largemouth Bass* 1974 10 lbs 2 oz 24 in Sam LaManna Scofield is one of the most popular ice fishing destinations in Utah. But this lake is home to some awesome largemouth bass. When Raymond Easley caught his historic 21-pound, 3-ounce largemouth on March 4 1980, it was the largest bass anyone had recorded since George Perry's All-Tackle monster in 1932. Its mostly known for is abundance of white bass and its big catfish. If you would like to get more involved, I would suggest you check out the Strawberry Anglers Association. However, Perry's sole ownership of this most prestigious record came to an end on July 2, 2009 when Japanese angler Manabu Kurita pulled his own 22-pound, 4-ounce largemouth from Lake Biwa in central Japan, after it ate a live bluegill that he had on for bait. 24 " 20" Sam LaManna Lake Catch and release record fish. Thank you. 17. Those denoted with an asterisk* are also the Utah State Record for biggest fish of the species ever caught in Utah. There are a lot of bass in the lake, and youre apt to catch some bigger fish if you give it a good try. WebTOP 3 HUGE Largemouth BASS CAUGHT on CAMERA. Miles of fantastic fishing and epic whitewater comes between the Colorado border and the beginning of Lake Powell. archived form does not constitute a republication of the story. On March 4, 1980, Raymond Easley caught a 21-pound, three-ounce largemouth bass. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Joes Valley Reservoir size 1,183 acres. Theres a monster species of fish here in Utah that can reach sturgeon-like sizes. Kurosaki was prepared with a portable certified scale, and quickly weighed and documented the fish on shore, before he released it alive. This Lake will completely dry up some years, so we didnt add it. Long Park Reservoir size 1,200 acres. About. Flaming Gorge Reservoir 42,020 acres. On the morning of March 22, 2000, Cody skate-boarded down to the nearby Murray Reservoir outside of San Diego, to sneak in some fishing before heading off to school. In Utah, the state record for this species belongs to Robert Bringhurst, weighing 33 pounds and 10 ounces. West Virginia Master Angler During the spring spawn, it is the male fish that builds the nests and protects the eggs. The tiger muskie is a carnivorous mix between the real muskellunge and the northern pike. Jordanelle is a 45-minute drive from SLC, just outside Park City and Heber. = + 'px'; Robert Crupi isn't the only angler that has capitalized on the incredible largemouth fishery of California's famed Castaic Lake. Each meeting has a guest speaker as well as news and updates from Strawberry. Honorable Mentions: Rush Lake (Tooele County) 3200 Acres. The fish listed here are the biggest caught in Lake Powell. The South Dakota record listed is not current. Premier Angler - The World Lives Outdoors. Anyone who has gone fishing knows how exciting it is to catch a fish, especially a large, perhaps record-breaking one. Here is a history of the largest fish caught and officially recorded. While these stories may be exagerrated, the striped bass in Powell are legitimately huge. Plan to fish early morning or late in the day for your best chances. Click the images and links above for species details. Lake Powell is also famous for its big giant dam. (Logan Cernosek / Michelle Counts) var container = document.getElementById(slotId); 85.7K subscribers. 19. A 16-pound koi has been caught in a Utah lake. If you find the right spot, you can have a 100-fish day. Its not a huge river, so targeting the deeper sections and slower pools will give you the best chances of finding the bigger bass. In fact, Crupi fished the same spot in the lake for five days prior to landing this fish, which he coerced with a live crawdad he was fishing in 36- to 40-feet of water. After a quick fight, Easley had the fish weighed in on a certified scale not far from the lake. Then they mated with the bigger brine shrimp which decimated the population. 23. All of these catches, but especially the last two, are exactly why bass fishing is so popular. Its located along I-15 just west of Provo, stretching from Lehi to Spanish Fork, so there are plenty of spots to stop along the way. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. taken from Indian Scout Lake, Apr. The name wiper is a mix of white and striper, and while hybrids are more widely used in some regions of the country, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) prefers wipers. In 1974, Sam Lamanna was fishing in Lake Powell when a 10-pounder 2-ounce fish bit the bait. This is one of the most popular lakes in Utah, and for good reason. Its loaded with smallies that are super active in the morning and evening. The fishing can be superb. One time I was drinking some Mexican cactus juice at a bar with one of these fisherman. Among other fish there is Crappie and Northern Pike in here. Fish along the rocky shoreline for the best chance of landing a monster. Andy Williamson On January 24, 2021. Moab is the central hub for this area and has excellent shore access to the river. 5 oz. Current fishing regulations require you to kill all smallmouth bass caught. Its appeal spans cultures, age groups and genders to tap on the heart strings of anglers everywhere. Originally, the largemouth was found on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, in the Mississippi Valley and into Florida. They prefer slow-moving, big rivers or streams with peaceful grounds. Well, lets get started. var cid = '8697747820'; It is the "holy grail" of fishing records. Strawberry Reservoir 17,164 acres. The town of Duchesne is a few miles to the east. There is only one outlet from the lake and that is the Jordan River. With that said latching into a 10 pound catfish will erase all that hate in a hurry. Also the White Bass can be a blast to catch as well. The more you know about the seasonal migration of bass, the more likely you are to be looking in the right area next time you visit Utah bass fishing lakes. Pineview is located just up through Ogden Canyon. Watch out for the occasional giant black crappie in there as well. Easley was fishing with a few of his buddies out on Lake Casitas in California. Weve compiled a list of the State Largemouth Bass Record from all 50 states to help serve as a reference on the quality of fish swimming in your home state. Black crappie are often caught while targeting largies here, so anticipate bringing in a few slabs. 2. Look for largemouth in the heaviest cover available. His fish measured a whopping 45 1/8 inches in length. The goal is to get more fisherman to come here instead crowding the berry. 15 Piute Reservoir size 2,510 acres. Hastings Road follows part of the stream, while a smattering of boat launches and campgrounds dot some of the accessible points in remote areas closer to the state line. | Angler Larry Kurosaki caught a 16-pound, 12-ounce lunker while fishing Castaic Lagoon on the morning of February 26, 2009. But this lake is home to some awesome largemouth bass. Get informative articles and interesting stories delivered to your inbox weekly. The two were taking turns with a single rod and reel, casting a Creek Chub Fintail Shiner from the wooden Jon boat Perry had built. Thats why Kelly Parrys catch in 2006 was pretty impressive. Utah is famous for its Great Salt Lake; however, the lake does not house many fish. Fishermen Discover a Fish as Big as a Chevy Suburban, Watch a Great White Shark Stalk a Child on a Boogie Board, Watch A Great White Shark Torpedo From The Water To Catch A Bird In Insane Clip, Sea Monsters! If you need some advice on fishing here stop in and Smith and Edwards Store. When Raymond Easley caught his historic 21-pound, 3-ounce largemouth on March 4 1980, it was the largest bass anyone had recorded since George Perry's All-Tackle monster in 1932. The state record smallmouth bass came from Midview Reservoir. Premier Angler - The World Lives Outdoors. Seventy-seven years would pass before a fish comparable to Perry's monster would be caught, but it has still yet to be surpassed. This area holds a lot of fish but is difficult to navigate because the water is not clear and it is very shallow in certain areas. The world record is 22 pounds, 4 ounces. East Canyon is a quick 30-minute drive from SLC from May through late October and is packed with smallmouths. Tons of smallies can be caught from shore. Reach me at There arent too many marinas on the lake but here is a list of them: Utah Lake State Park, Lincoln Beach Marina, American Fork Boat Harbor, Lindon Boat Harbor, Saratoga Springs Boat harbor, and Pelican Point. Chuck these bad boys over the grass and see what happens. About. Try tossing spinnerbaits in the grass for some fast-paced fishing. Marlin is back in the game with the re-introduction of the classic 336 and 1894 lever-action hunting rifles. The Colorado River runs through the southeast corner of Utah, entering the state near Grand Junction, Colorado, before exiting at the bottom of Glenn Canyon Dam in Arizona. These Major League Fishing pros share the best tips and advice they've ever received. Maclane Parker/ Largemouth bass can be found in various types of water, including freshwater and brackish water. They arent huge, but the numbers are good. The Great Salt Lake 1,088,000 acres. Some largemouth bass can be caught along that section as well. Its probably more accurate to base the list off of weight, which gives the stouter species a chance. They prefer slow-moving, big rivers or streams with peaceful grounds. In fact, Powell holds the Utah state game fish record for largemouth with a 10-plus pounder. Its appeal spans cultures, age groups and genders to tap on the heart strings of anglers everywhere. The lake holds quite a few 4- to 6-pound fish as well, with the possibility of landing a largemouth reaching into the neighborhood of 10 pounds. Due to the historic and widespread popularity of the species, it should come as no surprise that obtaining a world record largemouth bass is nearly impossible. Be sure to have an assortment of lipless, square bill, and a few deep diving types. Utah lake is a shallow lake that lies in Utah Valley. About. Adam Eakle has a good video on fishing at Willard Bay. Its not uncommon to see 30 + pound Lake Trout caught here. The typical catch is about 1 pound, though a day of catching 50 scrappy bass is a fantastic day in our book. Maclane Parker/ Largemouth bass can be found in various types of water, including freshwater and brackish water. 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