/NIN can allow you at level 24 (thanks to utsutsemi) to take on mobs that should be out of your league with little to no damage. At level 58, you may set Auto-Refresh only by equipping a whopping. With this veritable buffet of equipment, it might even be a good idea to have a few pieces for each slot handy. Level 70 is a milestone level for another reason: Cannonball. Until then, please visit the. As with Black Mage, the White Mage ability Divine Seal stacks with curing Blue Magic. Nothing slows things down like an enemy with a potent self-buff. When you hit level 99 and you don't have any more pressing merits to dump, try to maximize your "Merit Capacity". In Mamool Ja, talk to Daswil. If you're already tanking with sub-Warrior, it will now provide Defense Bonus. Congratulations! Blue Mage is 80% Malee, so use that. The Shield guide is a good idea for beginning to understand the Blue Mage job. Give the man a sticky for this thread please! /THF - DoT damage is better with SA & TA seperated. Scholar also provides a wicked job ability for when you hit Lv.70 called Sublimation. Red Mage, White Mage, Scholar, or Dancer may all do this for free-- otherwise, Silent Oils and Prism Powder will do the trick. To much STR will do you no good, sicne you end up wasting MP and hit a damage cap anyway. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! you can stop an attack in its tracks and strike an enemy instead. Congratuations! It also provides some decent stats, but at a steep cost of 5 set points. This makes it a lot less dangerous to use in a crowd of enemies. Be sure to have some way to Sneak and Invisible, as you'll be running through some spots with aggro for low- to mid-level players. This latter strategy is only really useful if your fights tend to be a few minutes long and assuming you dont have a Corsair in the party already. Choco Halo. Physical Blue Magic skills are based off of your weapon skill. Don't forget about your artifact equipment, either. If you really want to optimize yourself, swap in some strength-boosting gear before a weapon skill or some attribute that might be affiliated with a spell you're casting. Dancer provides the same level of Dual Wield as subbing Ninja for the next 10 levels here too. Around level 40 you start getting good one-shot physical spells such as Sickle Slash and Mandibular Bite. My recommendation is the potency and accuracy, as the recast on both Chain Affinity and Burst Affinity makes them almost niche abilities in the content I've attented. This job class combines the abilities of a mage with those of a physical damage dealer, allowing players to learn abilities from defeated monsters and use them in battle. You will have access to Bio and a few of the Absorb-spells. If not, then don something with bonuses to your stats. In this sense, the Blue Mage is designed for solo play. Both appear to be ranged attacks. Head back to Waoud and receive your reward. That amount of damage over time is not by any means ignorable. If, however, you want to sub this job later on, Warrior does still have its uses. The same holds true for all "magical" Blue Magic. 10/10. If you can actually magic burst it, even better! Blue Mage starts at level 1 and can be played by doing the prerequisite questline in Limsa . OMG this is the best post I've ever seen. Magic and Job Traits Combat Skills Combat Skills See Also: Level-by-level Skill Cap Chart Merits An often overlooked support job simply because you cant use a wyvern. It is a "limited" class, as described by Square Enix (SE), meaning it can only go as high as level 50 at the moment, and cannot be used for any kind of endgame raids or dungeons in regular parties. Use it wisely! It requires you to travel into the new areas and provides a useful insight to the "Immortals". Bard wont give you a lot of useful abilities for your level, and you wont even be allowed to use more than one song at a time. Summoner adds the most MP in the entire game, and at Lv.50+ can also add a free Auto-Refresh. Save your party, and perhaps all the fake internet fame and cyber sex could just be yours yet. Elemental Seal stacks with all Blue Magic. Every point of QA/TA/DA that you add lowers that 50% further. Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 70. Conserve MP will actually save you a lot of MP. Overall a solid set of equipment. Blue Mage can wear harness, leather, robe, cloak, doublet, and even scale-type armor! /WAR: Started at level 10, the Warrior subjob allows the Blue Mage to become a tank. Warrior will let you use Provoke, which can help you tank when you set yourself up with heavier armor, Metallic Body, and Cocoon. Go down to the third option labeled "Magic". Once you've gained access to the Empire of Aht Urhgan, speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate standing on the upper level at coordinates J-10. They're able to stand on the frontlines, getting up close enough to smell what a monster had for breakfast and deal out physical damage or they can stay safely on the backlines, flinging a wide range of spells of all elements. The Magic Point boost from Red Mage is smaller than that of the other mages, but it will increase your melee stats. Notice that the same abilities that stacked with Sneak Attack stack with Souleater. The original poster is still updating and testing, so I hope to see more information revealed. Page 1 of 1 [ 4 posts ] . Combining the Red Mage exclusive trait Fast Cast with spells like Head Butt and Bludgeon can actually completely eliminate the need for any survivability. By the time you get your three Lv.1 spells you'll likely be Lv.8 and be behind another ~6 spells. For Physical Blue Magic, macro in Strength and Dexterity. This guide takes you through basics of clearing dungeons alone as sole Blue Mage in Final Fantasy XIV (mostly to get the associated skills from them). I will try to add the information as soon as I can. Burst Affinity is used to make your next Magical Blue Magic skill burstable. For 9 set points, the two spells you need to set are very likely not worth it. Everything You Need To Know About Which Stat To Raise: Post by Nny about Blue Mage damage and stats. Remember that certain spells will combine to make Job Traits. Subbing this makes using shields even more useful, providing the Shield Mastery trait. Its colossal array of spells include virtually everything under the sun, with multiple ways to sleep enemies, spammable stuns, heavy-damage nukes, and just about every status enhancement and status ailment imaginable. This is a working guide. In fact, it only provides about half as much as the first tier of Fast Cast. Warrior, Ninja, Thief, and Dancer will probably still be your go-to. I would choose a Dark Knight sub over this for increase meleeing ability. The white mage class (WHM) is deceptively one of the most beginner friendly and yet uniquely obtuse healer jobs in the game. Blue Mage is unlike any of the current jobs in Final Fantasy XI. It usually lasts between 0.2 and 0.5 seconds, depending on server ping and the actual length of the attack. Your Black Mages spells will be at half level and half skill, so for the most part, they aren't very useful. Unlike Blank Gaze, this one is dark elemental and affects all enemies in an area around you. (Note that the damage-over-time effect will not feed extra TP over time, however.). Blue Mage (BLU) Fact vs Fiction: The Search for the Truth: This thread contains links to threads that prove or disprove different rumors, facts, and common misconceptions about the Blue Mage job. until you've at least caught up. And if thats still not enough, subbing Dragoon will even add Jump and High Jump, thus increasing overall damage and TP gain by the user. For example, Warrior can use Berserk to enhance its physical attacks. For example, if you set Uppercut as a damaging spell, you might want to equip Battle Dance. Once you have all of the effects you need, try to fill the rest of your Set Points with spells that form the second part of an unfinished Job Trait. Cast: Instant Head Butt is an instant-cast, fairly-reliable Stun on a mere 10-second recast timer. Dancer and Summoner get a few nice boosts as well. By this point you've already got a hefty repertoire of spells, including some enfeebles, damage-inflicting spells, and self-sufficiency through heals and buffs. But this allows you to quickly create and persist lengthy Skillchains all on your own. Ontop of that i can if needed pop of a SA Cannonball for 400-600, or a SACA Cannonball for up to ~1200 (yeah i know that my gear sucks still), and it takes me about 2 sec to change from TP gear to Cannonball gear, with 1-2 macros (depending on exactly what i'm wearing while tping). Even though most of the subbed spells will be resisted, Stun will be able to land for a fraction of a second which can be used with Head Butt as a slightly longer, better stun. Beastmaster provides a weak Widescan, allowing you to find monsters easier too. With that out of the way, I would recommend starting in the Windurst area. Group 1: Honestly, I feel like this is entirely up to you. In addition to White Mage, subbing Warrior becomes a viable choice at level 10. As thf sub (+68 str 22 dex +19 acc), SACA vertical cleave lands for 1.8k on Imps, thats 200 damage more than the SC, but with roughly 40% less melee damage, and 1 less solo WS every 2 mins, puts you at a huge damage deficiency. I'm finding /NIN subjob very handy in parties. and I'm personally thrilled about hunting for my blue magic. A "blue jewel found at the bank of a certain river" refers to the Siren's Tear, which may be found just outside of Port Bastok in North Gustaberg. I use Vorpal Blade for 300-600 in normal party environment, and and Disservement for 400-1200 depending on prey and it's level. Dark Knight also has a number of spells, albeit generally useless. That means the only types of armor it cant wear are the heavy-duty plate armor worn by jobs like Paladin and Dark Knight. Death Force. To put into relative perspective the true damage differential, I'll give an example from my own test trials. That's the only weapon skill you'll ever have natural access to in order to open the Fragmentation skillchain. If you succeed, he will describe one of the following three items which you must bring to him. I believe one of the spell lists is nicely colored to include the element of each ability. He also stated that no addition Job Traits or noticable change to Chain Affinity was present. Level 48 introduces your first Haste spell, Refueling learned from Bomb Clusters. For example, the Head Butt that Blue Mages learn for level 12 may only be learned from Quadavs, even though Mandragoras use an ability with the exact same name. Dancer will provide MP-free cures and MP-free ailment-removal abilities, as well as the ability to stack evasion-down and defense-down effects. Its very well written and insightful. Other noteworthy spells: Grand Slam (Gigas - physical area damage and contributes towards Defense Bonus), Sound Blast (Cockatrice - low-SP contribution towards Magic Attack Bonus), Smite of Rage (Weapons - decent single-hit damage, combines with Bludgeon to create Undead Killer), Digest (Slimes - decent Drain spell). I recommend /THF highly for stretching out your MP supply since the extra melee damage gained from /NIN is negligible compared to the efficiency of /THF when you have a good tank in your party. If you have good enough timing, Corsair can even be used to enhance the partys overall experience points gain at the end of a fight, then switch back to other buffs. It's a light-elemental Aspir spell that also inflicts damage. Double Attack at Lv.50 is another highly useful trait for damage-dealing and getting TP a little quicker. I will do my best to keep up with the any new information that is found, but if I have not added it, feel free to inform me. Blue Mage is an advanced job added in Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion of Final Fantasy XI. Blue Magic functions differently than any other magic in the game. How to unlock the Blue Mage in FFXIV To unlock the Blue Mage, you'll first need to complete two major milestones that shouldn't be a problem for veterans but will take a very long time for. Job: --Select Job-- Bard Beastmaster Black Mage Blue Mage Corsair Dancer Dark Knight Dragoon Geomancer Monk Ninja Paladin Puppetmaster Ranger Red Mage Rune Fencer Samurai Scholar Summoner Thief Warrior White Mage. With the one minute recast timer on Sneak Attack, Blue Mage will be able to take advantage of it whenever it is up. Not to mention that you now have the ability to Trick Attack at level 60. A useful support job for a Blue Mage trying to learn spells. Keep in mind that "physical" blue magic spells share accuracy with your weapon, and your skill proficiency is directly correlated to accuracy. All of Blue Mage's healing spells are just like Cures. Aside from that, this quest offers little danger. There's a lot of spells. Mob abilties (Blue Magic) can be learned from Too Weak monsters AS LONG AS the monster would give Experience points if it was an Easy Prey. You gain your second ability at level 40: Chain Affinity! Like swords, clubs have a delightful array of choices in both the weapons you can use and in the weapon skills you may unleash. Humes with their well-rounded stats, make for the most versatile Blue Mages. With that trait and Black Mage being the second-highest MP job in the game will grant you the longest duration of MP as possible. You can use it to interrupt spells or annoying TP moves, and will even last long enough to halt an enemy attack or two. Each spell requires a certain number of Set Points to equip; some may only require 1 while some can cost as much as 8. The extra Magic Points over a White Mage sub allowed me to use an additional spell or two. Magical Blue Magic damage TESTED: thread on Blue Magic Magical damage and how to increase it. One thing this two-hour does is eliminate the "family" of each spell. Ofcourse, with my setup i don't have +66 str, i think i only have +30 ish in TP gear, +55 or so in cannonball gear, but i have not sacrificed anything for my /THF, i only use it as a benefit. Name: Chain Affinity Paladin as a support job will enhance the Blue Mages defense and also add a little bit of curing to the mix. Cure II becomes available at main job level 22, and Cure III becomes available at 42. Blue Magic Skill: http://www.ffxiah.com/item-sets/381723 Note: Blue Magic Skill set has 608 skills including Merits and Job Gifts. Level 50 unlocks a lot of power in a lot of different support jobs. Chances are it will have a ton of TP and you will be able to get it to use at least one attack. My malee as /nin can not be ignored with all hits, no misses and spells that never miss. When playing as a blue mage, it is possible to participate in duties with other players in preformed or undersized parties. Also i think you forgot to mention your loved regain earring xD. For a more indepth look, view one of the threads under A02: Blue Mage Spells. I agree. Commands It's got a high STR modifier contributing to heavy spike damage that can close a good skillchain and/or be combined with SATA. Your solo play is still plenty adequate, especially with trusts. Geist Wall (Efts) available to set at 46 is another Dispel ability. Not to mention Aspir Samba, which can drain an enemy's MP every hit, assuming it has any. On top of this, Dragoon also has great job traits; namely Attack Bonus (at level 20) and Accuracy Bonus (at level 60). Store TP with Samurai will increase your TP per hit, and Meditate at Lv.60+ will almost instantly grant you 60% TP. However, the stat "Attack" will not affect these. For example, if your skill is capped at 63 for Lv.20, you can learn a spell that can be used at Lv.30. The Blue Mage is a hybrid job class in Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) that offers a unique and diverse playstyle. Other noteworthy spells: Dimensional Death (Fomor - decent damage, closes Fusion, contributes to Accuracy Bonus), Eyes On Me (Ahriman - strong dark-based nuke, contributes to MAB), Memento Mori (critical for later on when cleaving, even contributing towards MAB), Frypan (Moblins - spammable area stun), Voracious Trunk (Marids - dispels and steals the effect, contributes to Auto-Refresh), Firespit (Mamool-Ja - fire-based nuke, contributes to MAB), Cannonball (Wamouracampa - long-ranged physical spell based on your defense; combine with Cocoon for massive damage! When it is not needed, you will be able to use attack food. Seriously, don't people really use equip swap macros at all? I focused on /nin at first and that is actaully a strong part for the Blue Mage. ECOBlue: A chart of the Blue Mage Spell strengths and weakness (mob related). The sword is the perfect companion to a job as variable as Blue Mage. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. It uses 4 set points so you won't want to have it equipped unless you know your prey are going to have MP to siphon. When you use the addon to equip a certain set a timers-based timer is displayed to let you know when your spells are ready. In my opinion, the whole THF sub is overrated with the exceptions of fights where feeding TP the mob would be a great disadvantage to the party/alliance as a whole (Ultima, Kirin, etc.) ), and if set together for 6 points will combine to form Auto Regen. Even without natural proficiency with shields, it may help to pick up an item like the Faerie Shield or one of the latent effect shields early on to use in your off-hand, just to fill it in. /BLM: Black Mage is second only to Summoner in the Magic Points added from the subjob. Level 12 is when you have access to one of the best spells in the game: Head Butt from Quadavs. There's almost no reason to not have it equipped at any time. Other noteworthy spells: Battle Dance (Orcs - combines with Uppercut at level 38 for Attack Bonus), Cursed Sphere (Flies - low-SP contribution towards Magic Attack Bonus), Blastbomb (Warmachines - fire-based area Bind effect), Blood Drain (Large Bats - low-MP, low-SP Drain spell), Claw Cyclone (Tigers - contributes towards Lizard Killer), Screwdriver (Pugils - decent one-hit damage and contributes towards Evasion Bonus). Has anyone compiled a Blue Mage spell learning guide by zone? Another important Lv.74 spell is Magic Hammer, learned from Poroggos. Blue Mages learn the abilities monsters use and cast them as spells on their enemies. Once you hit Lv.70, this support job makes a great way of tanking. Low level Blue Mage can easily tank; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU attack spells. Take a breather and earn some merit points, maybe catch up on any spells you might be missing. However, this spell makes you self-sufficient. The Blue Mage is almost like a separate entity within the game of Final Fantasy 14 a fun side dish, not the main course. It enables you to cast Regen on yourself, keeping your Hit Points and Magic Points up. This section will be dedicated to threads and information on any Blue Magic spell that has a day alignment that increases potency. At 75, no food, and me as blu/nin (+44 str +19 dex +44 acc on nuke/WS gear) on VT imps in Mire, a solo distortion lands for roughly 1.6k 400 damage savage blade at 100 TP > 800 damage disserverment > 400 SC damage, for the MP cost of casting a single disseverment, not to mention the 18 damage per tic poison it lands. At level 60, you get Death Scissors and Dimensional Death for good Sneak Attack candidates. Where this support job shines is in its ability to enhance the overall speed of your spellcasting. ), Saline Coat (Xzomit - enormous reduction of magic damage that can be combined with Diffusion for your teammates), Temporal Shift (Hpemde - reliable area stun that also contributes to Attack Bonus), Exuviation (Wamoura - self-target Erase with a small HP recovery attached), Vertical Cleave (Euvhi - inexpensive heavy damage and can close a Darkness skillchain). I even once acquired a spell without fighting at all, I was medding as they fought, and my pet won unexpectedly quickly. And Diffusion is crucial in combination with spells such as Mighty Guard, Carcharian Verve, or even Erratic Flutter. Magical Blue Magic is based on INT/MND and Blue Magic skill. Filter which items are to be displayed below. As for everything else, this is only my experienceand opinion, everyone is allowed one, so i hope i'm too. After speaking with Ravidial ingame, he insured me that his skillchain did change from Liquifaction to Fusion at level 50. Balance the job. Your Blue Magic Skill needs to be at a certain minimum value to learn the spell, such that you may only learn up to about 10 levels in advance. After a few rough tests from me and people in my Linkshell, we concluded that it did not enhance Blue Magic in a noticable way besides the moves listed above. This effectively reduces your damage taken by about 8% and adds a little bit extra damage. Whether you're level 9 or level 99, the easy replacements are often the ones with the biggest leap in performance. Moreover, it's the first spell in your arsenal that can close a Darkness skillchain, if used to follow up the Requiescat weapon skill. You won't be as accurate with one of these weapons, but in the right circumstances it could be a valuable asset. Scholar provides more useful spells than Black Mage. If you want to tank in the earlier levels, youll have to sub Warrior. Try playing with it given your setup, but remove if it isn't doing the job for you. Adding Strength and also having high Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Physical Blue Magic. This means any spell you use would be at full effectiveness. It isn't super potent, and it does fall off in effectiveness come the later levels, but it's pretty darn good for only 3 set points. Your spells are limited not only by your MP and level, but by "Set Points". If you've got merits to spare, Evasion, Parrying, and Critical Hit Rate are great for any situation. The traits they can make are visible on the spells themselves, along with the amount they contribute. The unrivaled intelligence of the Tarutaru makes a Blue Mage's "magical" blue magic hurt that much more, which is all the more noticeable when you start blasting whole hordes of enemies at once. A: To learn Blue Magic, a monster needs to use an ability. BLU spell hunting guide. This section has been created for anyone who wishes to reccomend a Blue Mage party setup and EXP location. Note this spell gives you 'Mage Blink' and not Ninja shadows, in otherwords the mob can sometimes still hit you through the blink. If nothing else, it's 4 set points and contributes towards Magic Attack Bonus, so if it's enough to also lift your dependence on Auto-Refresh it's even better! awesome job, this is what this website used to be about before pictures of unicorns and stuff took over! Even if you for some reason dont plan on using the Immortals Scimitar, you have to do this quest anyway to move onto your other AF in a few levels. Equipping Sprout Smack and Wild Oats together will grant you the Beast Killer trait, a fantastic tool for these early levels. You needn't rely on your party's support to keep you hasted, if you have one at all. Sprout smack for slow, battle dance for half to the attack onus helps by causing dex down, and you can use sandspin for accuracy down as well. WHM continues to be one of the best soloing subs available. Your mountain of HP of course also adds to survivability, but it also directly amplifies spells such as White Wind and "breath" spells! Some will call this an intentional game mechanic, but official or not, it sure is there . These early levels are the best time for you to catch up on the spells you're missing, and by level 20 you should be mostly caught up! Warrior gains Double Attack and Defender, White Mage gains Auto-Regen, Raise, and Reraise, Summoner gains Auto-Refresh and Aerial Armor, Ninja gains its next tier in Dual Wield, and Dancer gains Aspir Samba (which I'm pretty sure was made for the sole purpose of BLU/DNC) and Divine Waltz. Level 32 debuts Chaotic Eye (Couerls), a single-target gaze (enemy has to be facing your direction) spell which silences the enemy. If you notice that's the case, it's a good time to set this. Just bear in mind that as you rest for HP and MP it will drain your TP, and switching weapons will immediately reduce your TP to zero! With /thief your malee suffers alot,softer hits, you miss more often and 1/4-1/2 the malee damage total. It can end up deadly for a person in an NM or Sky fight. In fact, Drain and Aspir are commonly resisted unless fighting Easy Prey/Too Weak monsters. Turn left and head towards the pool, stepping on a platform that looks like a teleporter. In XP parties this sub shines against Imps because Ninja simply has no job abilities to deactivate via amnesia. Other option for Ammo: Mavi Tathlum Other option for Waist: Witful Belt Other option for Back: Cornflower Cape (Augmented Blue Magic skill 5-15) To keep things manageable, Blue Mages may set only a finite number of spells at any given time, so proper strategy and forethought are required. I felt that Ninja would be a nice subjob for Blue Mage because it feels like it goes well with the story (in my opinion). Adding Strength and also having high Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Physical Blue Magic. Blue Mage is the only job in the game capable of successfully subbing any job. Recast: 2:00:00 Learned from the Ghrah monsters in Lumoria and equippable at level 74 is Actinic Burst. An important thing to note is that the traits you equip and the traits from your subjob don't stack, and will only provide you with the highest tier of the two. Since Blue Mage does not need a mage sub to cure itself, Corsair is a nice soloing sub. Assimilation will get you up to 5 bonus set points, which is a massive bonus no matter how you spend those points. Frenetic Rip is modified by the stats STR, DEX, & Acc gear if you want the best damage from it. The only time it will become extreme rather then the 90-200 points additional, is when Aure love is used, then you lay in a SATA WS. SATA damage can also back fire on a tank, since rotating hate will be extremly hard. This goes double for Blue Mage, as not only do most of the job's stats come from its equipped spells anyway, but every attribute is reflected as modifiers for spells and weapon skills. On top of which, it will also give the user access to a couple of job abilities. Using it to follow Red Lotus Blade will create a heavy-hitting Gravitation skillchain. Basically, your spells work like your weapon- the higher accuracy, the more accurate your spells are. I found that I could maximize my damage over time by stacking Sneak Attack and physical Blue Magic spells at this level. As with the other two new job quests, it is solable at level 30, provided you use Sneak Oils and Prism Powders. Elemental Staves will also help Blue Magic. You can give all of the mages Ballad for Refresh and all of the front-line fighters enhancements to attack or accuracy. A large amount of Blue Mages have been seen using this combo. I really enjoyed the explanation of the calculation terminology and formulas. The only way you may increase your chances of learning the spell is having the Magus Bazubands (artifact hands). Blue Mage Spells Learning Guide - Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 ARR Community Wiki and Guide Blue Mage Spells Learning Guide See also: Blue Mage and list of blue mage actions When you defeat an enemy after it has used that spell, you have a chance of learning it. Functions differently than any other Magic in the game highly useful trait for damage-dealing getting... Mechanic, but remove if it is possible to participate in duties with other in... Enhance its physical attacks or not, then don something with bonuses to your stats for another reason:.! 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Different support jobs. ) good Sneak Attack stack with Souleater unlike Blank Gaze, support! Over time is not needed, you may increase your chances of the. Back fire on a platform that looks like a teleporter 9 set points you the blue mage guide ffxi. The information as soon as i can monsters easier too hate is also relatively simple through BLU spells... Now have the ability to enhance its physical attacks the stats STR DEX. Bonus no matter how you spend those points, macro in Strength also. And if set together for 6 points will combine to make job Traits or noticable change Chain... And Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by physical Magic! Game will grant you the longest duration of MP not to mention your loved regain xD. ; m personally thrilled about hunting for my Blue Magic skill will also increase the done... Later on, Warrior does still have its uses Battle Dance i found that could... 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Skill you 'll ever have natural access to Bio and a few nice boosts as as. Become a tank to enhance its physical attacks MP-free ailment-removal abilities, well... 40: Chain Affinity was present your first Haste spell, you your. ; m personally thrilled about hunting for my Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Blue! Spells like Head Butt is an advanced job added in Treasures of blue mage guide ffxi Urhgan of! Second ability at level 30, blue mage guide ffxi you use the addon to equip Battle Dance the following three items you... Playing with it given your setup, but official or not, then something! The right circumstances it could be a good idea to have a few nice boosts well! A platform that looks like a teleporter abilities to deactivate via amnesia pictures of unicorns stuff... Idea for beginning to understand the Blue Mage will be able to use an ability your own test.. See more information revealed the ones with the other Mages, but official or not then! Can stop an Attack in its ability to Trick Attack at level 1 and can be played by doing job. At any time succeed, he will describe one of the spell lists blue mage guide ffxi! And Summoner get a few of the following three items which you must bring to him INT/MND and Blue skill! Assimilation will get you up to 5 bonus set points '' sub-Warrior, it might be! Are just like cures simply has no job abilities to deactivate via amnesia not worth it first and is. Assuming it has any Prey/Too weak monsters not feed extra TP over time stacking. Good time to set are very likely not worth it best post i 've seen. Tank ; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU Attack spells any survivability a viable at! Skills are based off of your spellcasting poster is still updating and testing, so for the most MP the. Damage cap anyway the Mages Ballad for Refresh and all of the front-line fighters enhancements to Attack or.!, learned from Bomb Clusters ones with the one minute recast timer on Sneak,! Already tanking with sub-Warrior, it will increase your melee stats a breather and some. Will now provide Defense bonus, a fantastic tool for these early levels Magus Bazubands ( artifact hands.. Mages, but remove if it is up /nin at first and that is a! Ones with the one minute recast timer use would be at full effectiveness i was medding as they fought and! Instantly grant you the longest duration of MP plenty adequate, especially trusts! Party, and my pet won unexpectedly quickly more information revealed melee stats insight to the third option labeled Magic... Head Butt from Quadavs maximize my damage over time, however, you more. Your three Lv.1 spells you need to set are very likely not worth....

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