However, if the cancellation exceeds the required time frame, communicate to the customer that you will cancel the subscription immediately but will be unable to refund the payment for the time that has lapsed. Any customer looking for a refund is an opportunity for you to get product/customer service feedback. Please upload [information, data, documents, etc.] Discount request: no 16. Cheap customers arent sale-chasers; they just feel more buying pain. After a quick investigation, we found that [brief explanation on why the error took place]. Subject: [Customer Name's] Knowledge Base Question. Answer some questions about your business practices. Explain how the costs are calculated and what factors into them. I can understand that its frustrating to lose a feature that youve come to rely on like that. This should be followed by addressing the customer's concern. Refund Not Received Follow-up Email Template Email Template 4: Asking for customer feedback. We really appreciate your business with us! Make sure you have a clear refund policy, Asking for customer feedback following a refund request, Responding to an angry customer who demands a refund, return and recommend your brand due to the positive customer service experience. B2B products and services tend to be more complex in the production and delivery process compared to B2C. Check out this case study from for example: . As soon as you reply, Ill be automatically notified so I can start investigating for you. If you have a software product, try to make it easier for customers to identify third-party issues by writing clearer error messages. Reinforce confidence that progress can be made if they can be patient for a little longer. Customer Service tickets are processed Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm Central. Customer intelligence data comes from customer relationship management (CRM) analytics, customer service data, purchase history, and web activities. If you prefer to use your own, you can easily save the template in your account. If youd like to share more detail on how you were using it, Id be happy to give you my best advice. Then, Ill be able to tell if its something broken on our side and work with our developers on it. A message will be sent to your email address containing login details, right after your account is installed. There are also self-service portal options, web conferencing, and the choice to receive inquiries through your web pages. This template is for when a user submits a question or complains about information found in the knowledge base. (Source: TrailHead). redeemable through this link. i got a computer generated reply saying they'd get back to me in a few days. Subject: Response to [Customer name] Billing Error. Renewal reminder 9. There are detailed tutorials, a community forum, a FAQ page, videos, and product documentation that can help you navigate through all the features, integrations, and use cases. The email template below is perfect to send to customers who are requesting a feature on your product or service that you do not intend to develop or release at the moment. Text Blaze can help you send the letters quickly by inserting templates using keyboard shortcuts. So, you can not only quickly paste the messages using keyboard shortcuts, but you can also customize aspects of the return such as the customers name, prices, and dates. Satisfying our customers is very important to us and Im sorry our [product/ service] didnt meet your expectations. SFP+ MSA Compliant, CPRI, eCPRI. Second, listen to what the customer has to say. Avoid being apologetic about what you charge, be clear and then focus on value. ), and offer an alternative solution, if possible. (Only if you want to get insider advice and tips), Try Salesforce for Better Customer Relationships. Its true that I really do need your help to figure this out, but I should have explained earlier how Ill use the information I asked for to get this problem sorted as quickly as possible. Discount request: yes 15. Thank you for contacting us regarding the recent billing error. Thanks so much for reaching out. They may have decided your product or service isnt right for them, or it might not be the right time to use it. The email should open with an appreciation. The way you handle product returns and refunds can determine whether or not you can maintain customer relationships and positive customer experiences. If you reject their request, provide an explanation of why it didnt fall within your companys refund policy, and send them a nice rejection letter. For example, HubSpot CRM has robust email marketing features that include a wide range of email templates you can choose from. When a customer does not want to pay the stated price. A customer wants access to an account, but cant (or wont) pass security. You can get instant value upon creating a free Text Blaze account, without the need of a subscription. (Source: Hub Masters), Users can save various templates in their CRM to standardize responses to common customer concerns. Thanks again for taking the time to talk to us! Interested in learning more about how excellent customer service can help with your business? Product returns, cancellations, and refunds are the reality of running an online business. Put yourself in their shoes in your head, youre already thinking of what youll test next and how youll move closer to an answer. Offering them some more detail into what happens can help them understand the time taken and build their confidence that this is all normal. Remind the customer that it may take a certain number of business days to process the refund, depending on the banks conditions, and show your clear intentions to resolve the problem, in case the refund doesnt come through. Its not something we will be building in.". After all, keeping an existing customer is cheaper and easier than getting a new one. Offering special discounts or added value is crucial for successful re-engagement, and multiple emails should be sent to complete the process. If we can ever find a better price for shipping to your location, we certainly will. Shaun has plenty of experience in this area, and with his fresh perspective Im confident we can get this resolved for you. You may refer to our terms and conditions for more information. Personalize each template to ensure they reflect the voice of your brand. Hello, [customer name], and thank you so much for posting your kind review! In the meantime, I can suggest a couple of options that might help. Offer live chat (if possible) as a perceived faster option to a solution. Be clear about what is needed to give access. Letter denying request for refund 1. For additional information on [application or online service name], I invite you to check out our knowledge base page using this link. Whenever possible, take the question to completion in the same channel your customer began it in. Select the newsletters youre interested in below. If you are looking for a particular . If the customer hasnt received a refund, most of the time, the delay is on the banks end. LinkedIn While we understand that this is an inconvenience for you, our company policy states that an item purchased is eligible for a refund up to 10 days after its delivery. If you have a public roadmap, link to it and share some of the upcoming improvements. If you will refund the customers money, tell them how and when theyll receive the refund. Weve processed your refund and you should expect to see the credit appear on your billing statement within 1-3 business days depending on your bank. This article is part of a larger series on Customer Service. Leveraging multiple communication channels, including social media and email, is critical for a successful sales promotion campaign. Make sure you customize the following templates with personalized information for each customer. You need to be a little more explicit about what the process will be and why its worth their time to help you help them. Thanks for letting us know about your situation. Thank you for your time and for giving us a try. While you obviously want to avoid issuing refunds as much as possible, some customers will not be happy with your product no matter how good you think it is and will ask for their money back. In this case, it looks like were going to beat that estimate by about three days. Ive set a notice on this conversation so that once you reply, it will come right back to me and I can keep this moving for you. Keeping the same team member in the conversation builds confidence. Your package was picked up from our warehouse on , and its now with , so it is well on the way to you. My name is [rep name], [job title] at [company name], and I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Could you please let me know what specific issues youve encountered? The goal is to remind the client of all the benefits and features that the business has to offer. Free Win-Back Email Templates (Copy&Paste) | LiveAgent. If you're wondering what the best customer service email looks like, here's a sample . It shows that you are positive, have considered their request, and are willing to hear more from them in order to provide the best possible customer experience. The policy should include all the conditions, deadlines, and acceptable reasons for a product return. Heres what you can do to regain access to your account: If any of those steps are unclear, let me know, and Im happy to explain further. Typically for this situation, you need to stall and keep your customers calm until the software development teams can find the root cause of the issue and get the online service back up and running. Thats why losing customers for good can be a huge loss, and why, if you run a business, you should try your best to keep your customers around for as long as possible. Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention. In contrast to addressing a poor review, it's just as important to give credit for positive reviews to encourage more customers to continue posting them. Im reaching out about the refund you initiated on [date]. If you wait for a while, after installation is complete you will be able to access your account directly from here. If you are informed about your competition, you can be genuinely helpful in making comparisons. Third, be understanding; it is important to see it from the customer's POV as well. It must also provide an efficient ticketing system to help agents Sign up to receive more well-researched sales articles and topics in your inbox, personalized for you. So turning them down can be tricky, but better they know the truth than be strung along, hoping for something that will not arrive. You typically would use this sample customer support email or live chat message after closing cases, such as refunding a purchase, fixing a billing error, or sending a new or correct product to your customer. We get this question quite often, and here's our best answer: For additional information and answers to common questions, I invite you to check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page using this link. We regret to inform you that we have a no refund policy and cannot issue a refund for the product you have purchased on . We too, are a small business and appreciate you checking in to see what options we have available. Were always looking for customer feedback we can use to improve, so anything you can tell us is helpful. Please feel free to reach out using the contact information below if you have any questions, concerns, or something else I can assist with. Various coupon email templates are available for businesses to use in their campaigns. If not, Ill be happy to issue you a refund. I thought that was pretty hassle-free. To do that, be as concise and informative as possible and mention that you are of service if they change their mind. After researching the matter, we found the package didn't arrive because [the reason the product wasn't delivered]. Review and consult your company's refund policy (if you have one) to guide your actions. Refund email for an unsatisfied customer. Thank you for contacting us regarding your request to cancel your subscription to our [product/service name]. Were here to help whenever you need it. For really high value relationships, consider submitting a question to the third party yourself, looping the customer in so you can monitor their experience and jump in if necessary. Feel free to reach out using the contact information below if you have any questions, concerns, or something else I can assist with. Expressing regret that your product or service failed to meet their expectations. The text also provides win-back email templates with subject lines and FAQs. We are so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for reaching out regarding [topic of question]. Option 1: To resolve the issue, we ask that you ship back the incorrect item by following these instructions [describe how to send it back]. Discover below 16 refund request email responses to refund your customers like a PRO. Buyer stage templates Image Source: Unsplash 1. In addition to making the handover directly to your customer, leave a good internal note to give your incoming colleague all the relevant details. Our website uses cookies. This will let your customer know that you've taken the time to truly listen or read their complaint. A customer is asking for a product feature you know will not be added. These automated emails remind customers to restock on previously purchased items, with an average click-to-open rate of 53.6% and an average conversion rate of 10-15%. Just because a customer is seeking a refund, you shouldnt treat them any differently. Pro tip: Products such as Salesforce offer centralized modules to receive customer cases and complaints, assign them to reps, and track their remediation progress. Customer service teams are increasingly the target of social engineering attacks. Offering a small discount is an excellent practice to round off rough corners. To help you know what to expect, during the ordering process we show an estimated delivery date; perhaps that wasn't visible enough for you? You likely have limited ability to change shipping options in the short term, but you can add context, offer clarity on how costs are calculated, and offer any viable options for reducing the cost. Give your support team a range of non-refund options if you can. You should expect to see [$] added to your credit card or bank account within [# days or # days after the product is shipped back]. Subject: [Customer Name's] Thank You for the Great Feedback! Don't try to wiggle your way out. We take pride in ensuring our [products or services] always meet our customers' needs. I hope this helped and feel free to reach out using the contact information below if you have any questions, concerns, or something else I can assist with. There are also typically more complex product or service delivery processes that could open an organization to unique complaints requiring technical or professional knowledge. If its a never, ever you can use a stronger version here. My name is [rep name], [job title] at [company name], and I'd love the opportunity to gather more insights into what made your experience wonderful so that we can give credit to our staff where credit is due. Third, be understanding; it is important to see it from the customers POV as well. Examine the customer's usage of your product or service perhaps they better suit a different plan. If you have a policy on refunds, link to it directly. Some of the key points that you can include in your emails when responding to refund requests are: Whenever you need to decline a refund, you should act as if you are responding to a customer complaint. Checking in 14. Share links to third-party shipping calculators to confirm you are not making extra profit on shipping. Thanks for the suggestion; I appreciate you explaining how it would help you out. After running a support team for years, Mat joined the marketing team at Help Scout, where we make excellent customer service achievable for companies of all sizes. In addition to resolving the billing issue, we'd like to offer you [product trial, discount, points, etc. Even when you can offer a refund, a refund request is an opportunity to understand your customers needs better. We always appreciate feedback and suggestions. Finally, respond quickly. Discover the tools and techniques used by high-performing customer service organizations in our free, six-part video course. Option 2: We are happy to say we have fixed the problem by [explanation on how it was fixed]. Heather57. 2. Just naming this will help them feel acknowledged the customer wants the goods, you want them to have the goods. Thank you for reaching out and for bringing this to our attention. This gives you more information to work with and may even lead you to an unexpected solution. Thank you for your feedback, as this will help us improve our [product/ service]. Were so sorry to hear youre not happy with your product, but we also fully respect your decision. Acknowledge their request, show some empathy, provide a concise explanation on why you cannot issue a refund (whether its old warranties, missing the refund deadline, the condition of the returned product, etc. Here's how to reduce risk and build a security-conscious team. You should respect the customer's choice wherever you can, but if you need to move them, explain why and reassure them that you will resolve their question. The amount of data, information provided by the client, and professional expertise required in B2B solutions open them up to unique risks that they need to be prepared to respond to. Your customers tell you what they really want, but mostly inside customer service requests. These demand more specialty skills from a B2B customer service rep than a B2C rep. Apart from acknowledging the customer's message, you may also want to ask for a photo of the product and a description of the defect for documentation purposes. After researching the matter, we found the package didn't arrive because [the reason the wrong product was received]. I'd love the opportunity to gather more insights to improve our [service or whatever the review complaint was about] and ensure this situation never happens to other customers. We take pride in ensuring prompt customer service resolution for our customers. To understand your customers like a PRO s POV as well get instant value creating. All, keeping an existing customer is Asking for a product feature you know will not be right. The knowledge Base we certainly will right for them, or it might be! 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