[43] This trait is absent in haplorrhine primates, and its presence further limits the visual acuity in lemurs. [115][116] Their ringed tails also communicate distance, warn off neighboring troops, and help locate troop members. The bushy tails of lemurs can be longer than their bodies; the indri, however, has only a stub of a tail. [103] The following year, a new hypothesis was proposed to explain monomorphism, stating that because most female lemurs are only sexually receptive for a day or two each year, males can utilize a more passive form of mate guarding: copulatory plugs, which block the female reproductive tract, preventing other males from successfully mating with her, and thus reducing the need for aggression and the evolutionary drive for sexual dimorphism. They have white bellies. Lemurs are a unique and diverse group of primates. [133][135], Although lemur taxonomy had developed, it was not until the 1950s and 1960s that the in-situ (or on-site) study of lemur behavior and ecology began to blossom. [39][144] Deforestation takes the form of local subsistence use, such as slash and burn agriculture (referred to as tavy in Malagasy), the creation of pasture for cattle through burning, and legal and illegal gathering of wood for firewood or charcoal production; commercial mining; and the illegal logging of precious hardwoods for foreign markets. Mouse lemurs are the smallest primates in the world. [114] Using their long, powerful back legs, they catapult themselves into the air and land in an upright posture on a nearby tree, with both hands and feet tightly gripping the trunk. Puns on famous peoples are among funny lemur names. A female lemur is called a princess. [136][144], Lemurs have drawn much attention to Madagascar and its endangered species. Scent-marking activity escalates during the mating season. Lemurs range in weight from the 30-gram (1.1oz) mouse lemur to the 9-kilogram (20lb) indri. Pipkin Duke Roxie Rylee Eddie Flint Buddy Finn Skipper [33], Lemurs generally have thin tooth enamel compared to anthropoid primates. A twenty-episode series called Lemur Kingdom (in the United States) or Lemur Street (in the United Kingdom and Canada) aired in 2008 on Animal Planet. [34][44][45] According to Russell Mittermeier, the president of Conservation International (CI), taxonomist Colin Groves, and others, there are nearly 100recognized species or subspecies of extant (or living) lemur, divided into five families and 15genera. Such short tails are unique among lemurs. Like all lemur species, black-and-white ruffed lemurs can only be found in Madagascar. [10] It has also been speculated that Linnaeus may also have known that some Malagasy people have held legends that lemurs are the souls of their ancestors,[13] but this is unlikely given that the name was selected for slender lorises from India. This first lesson is a big hit! King Louie: named after a character from The Jungle Book. Baby lemur names can also be funny or inspired by the meaning of the names. Now represented only by recent or subfossil remains, they were modern forms that were once part of the rich lemur diversity that has evolved in isolation. Groups consist of a range of males and females. Cooperative rescue of a conspecific from a boa in a nocturnal solitary forager the gray mouse lemur", "Piecing together an extinct lemur, large as a big baboon", "Social complexity predicts transitive reasoning in prosimian primates", "A comparative analysis of serial ordering in ring-tailed lemurs (, "How Prosimian Primates Represent Tools: Experiments with Two Lemur Species (, "Lemurs named world's most endangered mammals", "Furry lemurs 'could be wiped out within 20 years', "Lemurs face extinction in 20 years, risk of losing species ror 'first time in two centuries', "Monumental debt-for-nature swap provides $20million to protect biodiversity in Madagascar", "Madagascar's political chaos threatens conservation gains", "A consideration of leaping locomotion as a means of predator avoidance in prosimian primates", "Chapter 19: Human universals and primate symplesiomorphies: Establishing the lemur baseline". True to their name, ring-tailed lemurs' tails are ringed with 13 alternating black and white bands. [87] This area centralis has a high rod-to-cone cell ratio in many diurnal species studied thus far, whereas diurnal anthropoids have no rod cells in their fovea. This may result in extra wear and breakage to the anterior (front) teeth due to heavy use in grooming, feeding, and fighting. [146] In 2012, an assessment by the Primate Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) concluded that 90% of the then 103described species of lemur should be listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List,[147] making lemurs the most endangered group of mammals. The law varies from country to country and so the answer to this question is not universal. So there you have it over 250 lemur names to choose from the next time you need to name your new pet or want to show off your knowledge of adorable primates. Ring-tailed lemurs are the most recognizable of all species of lemur, due to their long, striped tails. [89] Although the tapetum is considered to be ubiquitous in lemurs, there appear to be exceptions among true lemurs, such as the black lemur and the common brown lemur, as well as the ruffed lemurs. [119] Unlike anthropoid primates, lemur grooming seems to be more intimate and mutual, often directly reciprocated. Before and after this deep hibernation, there are two months (April and October) of transition, where they will forage on a limited basis to reduce demands on their fat reserves. The 20082010 list includes the greater bamboo lemur, gray-headed lemur (Eulemur cinereiceps), blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons), northern sportive lemur (Lepilemur septentrionalis), and silky sifaka. A baby lemur is called a galago or bush. Because lemurs are wild animals, it is not common to tame them or keep them as pets. Although related to monkeys and apes, lemurs belong to a completely different branch of the primate family tree: prosimians. [133] These climatic and geographical challenges, along with poor soils, low plant productivity, wide ranges of ecosystem complexity, and a lack of regularly fruiting trees (such as fig trees) have driven the evolution of lemurs' immense morphological and behavioral diversity. [168][169][170][171]. captive breeding), and public education. [14] All in strepsirrhines including lemurs are traditionally thought to have evolved from early primates known as adapiforms during the Eocene (56 to 34mya) or Paleocene (66 to 56mya). [2] Studies of their life-history traits, behavior and ecology help understanding of primate evolution, since they are thought to share similarities with ancestral primates. Some pet owners and zookeepers prefer funny names over other types of names. [145], Conservation is also facilitated by the Madagascar Fauna Group (MFG), an association of nearly 40zoos and related organizations, including the Duke Lemur Center, the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, and the Saint Louis Zoological Park. The ring-tailed lemur is a medium-sized primate that is about the size of a house cat. There are so many different Lemur species. Males all rank below the females. Lemur diets are highly variable and demonstrate a high degree of plasticity,[96] although general trends suggest that the smallest species primarily consume fruit and insects (omnivory), while the larger species are more herbivorous, consuming mostly plant material. He included three species under the genus Lemur: Lemur tardigradus (the red slender loris, now known as Loris tardigradus), Lemur catta (the ring-tailed lemur), and Lemur volans (the Philippine colugo, now known as Cynocephalus volans). Field studies have given insights on population dynamics and evolutionary ecology of most genera and many species. Whether youre looking for a name for your new Lemur pet or just want to learn more about these fascinating animals, youll find everything you need here! Buddy: a name given to pets or friends. [36] Today, the diversity and complexity of lemur communities increases with floral diversity and precipitation and is highest in the rainforests of the east coast. While all of these lemurs may be cuddly and cute, remember that they are still wild animals and should be treated with respect. Some of their adaptations were unlike those seen in their living relatives. Female lemurs are no bigger than males, and they don't have antlers or bigger fangs to give them a physical edge over their mates. Lary Lemur: the name is inspired by SpongeBobs naughty pet Lary. The name lemur comes from the Latin word lemures, meaning 'spirits of the night.' Many Malagasy people believe lemurs are similar to ghosts because of the eerie vocalizations, reflective eyes and night activity of some species. [68] The smallest of the lemurs generally do not eat much leaf matter. Over time, these dyads may have allied themselves with other neighboring mother-daughter dyads in order to defend more distributed resources in a wide home range. They are native to the Island of Madagascar. Strepsirrhine primates first emerged in the Early Eocene Epoch (some 50 million years ago), though their origins may be traced to the preceding Paleocene Epoch. [40], From a taxonomic standpoint, the term "lemur" originally referred to the genus Lemur, which currently contains only the ring-tailed lemur. Do you love Lemurs? The most common species of lemur is the Lemur catta also known as the ring-tailed lemur. Female lemur names therefore include royal names. [99] The ring-tailed lemur, for instance, seems to be less prone to the disorder than other lemur species. [70], Olfaction is particularly important to lemurs,[2] except for the indri, which lacks most common lemur scent glands and has a greatly reduced olfactory region in the brain. Ring tailed lemurs form the largest group of any lemur species. The ring-tailed lemur, for instance, uses complex though highly stereotyped behaviors such as scent-marking and vocalizations. The ocean currents were shown to be even stronger than today, which would have pushed a raft along faster, shortening the trip to 30days or lessshort enough for a small mammal to survive easily. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Lemurs have been the focus of monographic series, action plans, field guides, and classic works in ethology. [8], Lemures dixi hos, quod noctu imprimis obambulant, hominibus quodanmodo similes, & lento passu vagantur. [15][33] Extreme resource limitations and seasonal breeding are also thought to have given rise to three other relatively common lemur traits: female social dominance, sexual monomorphism, and malemale competition for mates involving low levels of agonism, such as sperm competition. Watch on. The gray mouse lemur uses bouts of torpor, while the fat-tailed dwarf lemur hibernates completely. It is therefore also ideal for a pet lemur. The word prosimian means "pre-monkey", a fitting name for the oldest known group of primates. 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[62] If large fruit trees are removed, the forest may sustain fewer individuals of a species and their reproductive success may be affected for years. [82], One example of lemur fady told around 1970 comes from Ambatofinandrahana in the Fianarantsoa Province. [51] At least 36genera from 23families of plants are targeted by lemur seed predators. [131] Tool use has not been witnessed by lemurs in the wild, although in captivity the common brown lemur and the ring-tailed lemur have been demonstrated to be able to understand and use tools. [136][145] Despite the added emphasis for conservation, there is no indication that the extinctions that began with the arrival of humans have come to an end. Hemsworth: named after Chris Hemsworth, who played Thor in various movies including the Avengers and Thor. lemur, (suborder Strepsirrhini), generally, any primitive primate except the tarsier; more specifically, any of the indigenous primates of Madagascar. [136] Many important research projects have been carried out there, including studies of lemur vocalizations,[137] basic locomotor research,[138] the kinematics of bipedalism,[139] the effects of social complexity transitive reasoning,[140] and cognition studies involving a lemur's ability to organize and retrieve sequences from memory. [59][60], Due to several taxonomic revisions by Russell Mittermeier, Colin Groves, and others, the number of recognized lemur species has grown from 33 species and subspecies in 1994 to approximately 100 in 2008. [97] All species are listed by CITES on Appendix I, which prohibits trade of specimens or parts, except for scientific purposes. [93] Before dry season, they will accumulate fat in white adipose tissue located at the base of the tail and hind legs, doubling their weight. Coming up with good lemur names can be a difficult task for people and zookeepers alike. In T'ang Chinese, the moon is a visual token of Yin, a cold white phosphorescent body associated with snow, ice, white silk, silver, and white jade. [120] The ring-tailed lemur is known to be very tactile, spending between 5 and 11% of its time grooming. Cool lemur names are those based on their physical and personality traits. Like all lemurs, mouse lemurs inhabit the island of Madagascar off the east coast of Africa. Lemurs communicate with other lemurs using their tails and their scents. Omissions? Additional traits shared with other prosimian primates (strepsirrhine primates and tarsiers) include a bicornuate (two-horned) uterus and epitheliochorial placentation. Diet Of the approximately 100 species of lemurs (including subspecies), red ruffed lemurs are among the largest. [152] With the political crisis in 2009, illegal logging has proliferated and now threatens rainforests in the northeast, including its lemur inhabitants and the ecotourism that the local communities rely upon. [78], The sense of smell, or olfaction, is highly important to lemurs and is frequently used in communication. [62] National parks and other protected areas are not adequately protected by law enforcement agencies. They are the only primates known to do so. This is due to the common human belief that male species are masculine and should be given befitting names. Other areas, such as the dry forests and spiny forests of the west and south, receive little protection and are in serious danger of being destroyed. [2] Even though hunting has been a threat to lemur populations in the past, it has recently become a more serious threat as socioeconomic conditions deteriorate. Some, for example, are mainly insectivorous, whereas others feed almost exclusively on foliage. Indris are the largest lemurs in the world. [167] The Disney Channel series, Bear in the Big Blue House one of the characters, Treelo, is a lemur. Although trends frequently distinguish the smaller, nocturnal lemurs from the larger, diurnal lemurs, there are often exceptions that help exemplify the unique and diverse nature of these Malagasy primates. [100], Only eight species of lemur are known to be seed predators (granivores), but this may be under-reported since most observations only report fruit consumption and do not investigate whether the seeds are consumed as well. Cute names, as well as famous, cool and funny names make for good lemur names. [136] Over the next five years, at least 28species were newly identified, none of which have had their conservation status assessed. Lemurs are important for research because their mix of ancestral characteristics and traits shared with anthropoid primates can yield insights on primate and human evolution. The female will probably be on the estrus a few days a year. [39] Some lemurs, such as the indri, use crypsis to camouflage themselves. [16] Because of their importance in maintaining a healthy forest, frugivorous lemurs may qualify as keystone mutualists. Assumptions about the problem need to be tested separately for each species. [125], The gestation period varies within lemurs, ranging from 9 weeks in mouse lemurs and 910weeks in dwarf lemurs to 1824weeks in other lemurs. Remains exist of species larger than any of todays lemurs. In one taxonomy, the infraorder Lemuriformes contains all living strepsirrhines in two superfamilies, Lemuroidea for all lemurs and Lorisoidea for the lorisoids (lorisids and galagos). Like all lemurs it is endemic to the island of Madagascar and endangered. Lemur research during the 18th and 19th centuries focused on taxonomy and specimen collection. [16], Most lemurs have retained the tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer of tissue in the eye, which is found in many vertebrates. Adult male and female ring-tailed lemurs weigh from 3-3.5 kg. These troops may number up to 30 members. In both the aye-aye and Lac Alaotra gentle lemur, birth (parturition) occurs over a six-month period. When lemurs exploit nectar, they may act as pollinators as long as the functional parts of the flower are not damaged. [97] Many lemurs, including the ring-tailed lemur, have adapted to a highly seasonal environment, which has affected their birthrate, maturation, and twinning rate (r-selection). [2] Other predators include native euplerids, such as the fossa, feral cats, domestic dogs, snakes, diurnal birds of prey, and crocodiles. [29][39] In many nocturnal species, for instance, the females, along with their young, will share nests with other females and possibly one male, whose larger home range happens to overlap one or more female nesting groups. Required fields are marked *. With only a postorbital bar, lemurs have been unable to develop a fovea. They are often protected from hunting and consumption because of their resemblance to humans and their ancestors, mostly due to their large size and upright or orthograde posture. There are a variety of species of lemurs with some weighing about 20 pounds to others weighing only about an ounce. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Such traits include continuously growing, rodent-like front teeth for gnawing through wood and hard seeds; a highly mobile, filiform (filament-shaped) middle finger for extracting food from tiny holes; large, bat-like ears for detecting hollow spaces within trees;[17][29][52][71] and use of self-generated acoustical cues to forage. These lemurs include some indriids, such as the diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema), the golden-crowned sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli), the indri,[2][70] and the aye-aye. 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