Overnight, Union engineers constructed a bridge 2 miles (3.2km) away from the bluff across the Oconee River, and 200 soldiers crossed to flank the Confederate position. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Where did Shermans March to the Sea start and end? Almost miraculously, damage and destruction immediately ceased. The most significant reason for General Sherman's explanation of hard war in the excerpt was that. Soldiers became model gentlemen, no longer foraging, but paying for what they wanted or needed. He sought to utilize destructive war to convince Confederate citizens in their deepest psyche both that they could not win the war and that their government could not protect them from Federal forces. He organized relief for the flood of refugees that had inundated the city. Negroes who are able-bodied and can be of service to the several columns may be taken along, but each army commander will bear in mind that the question of supplies is a very important one and that his first duty is to see to them who bear arms Sherman, commanding the Military Division of the Mississippi, did not employ his entire army group in the campaign. "Forage Liberally: The Role of Agriculture in Sherman's March to the Sea." Historian Barrett assesses that Sherman could have stopped Hardee, but failed to because he was hesitant to overcommit his forces. Although Shermans army had systematically destroyed Atlantas war-making potential, and had used artillery to bombard the city before taking it, 400 houses were still standing when he left. Byers was a Union prisoner of war held at Camp Sorghum, near Columbia, South Carolina. Before leaving Atlanta . The March to the Sea, which occurred over a six week period in November and December of 1864, is considered the most damaging action against civilian people in the Civil War of 1861 to 1865.The objective of Sherman's March to the Sea was to instil fear in the civilian population of Georgia to abandon the cause of the Confederacy. Send Students on School Field Trips to Battlefields Your Gift Tripled! Now, the undertaking being a success, the honor is yours; for I believe none of us went further than to acquiesce. [1] Thomas would go on to defeat Hood, leaving Sherman's main army effectively unopposed. [12], When Sherman had prepared his forces for the Atlanta Campaign, which immediately preceded the March to the Sea, he took rigorous steps to insure that only the most physically fit men were accepted, that every man in the army could march for long distances and would fight without reservations. Grant himself said that he would not have allowed anyone other than Sherman to attempt such a march so great was the respect and trust between the two. The campaign began on November 15 with Sherman's troops leaving Atlanta, recently taken by Union forces, and ended with the capture of the port of Savannah on December 21. Daviss men lagged behind the rest of the left wing, and Wheelers cavalry was hot on their heels. Yet, whenever they had a choice, they preferred the Federals to Confederate soldiers and civilians who had no compunction about killing them or returning them to slavery. [41] In the years following World War II, several writers[42][43][44] argued that the total war tactics used during World War II were comparable to the tactics used during Sherman's March. Confederacy's economy and transportation networks, Western Theater of the American Civil War, "Savannah Campaign Union order of battle", "Effective strength of the army in the field under Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, November and December, 1864", "Abstract from return of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Lieut. Slocums left wing encountered some trouble once they broke camp to continue their eastward march. As the marching Federals progressed, they attracted a growing throng of ex-slaves, who greeted them as emancipators. They searched hollow logs and any hiding place imaginable. Sherman's march to the sea definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Shermans March to the Sea was an American Civil War campaign lasting from November 15 to December 21, 1864, in which Union Major General William Tecumseh Sherman led troops through the Confederate state of Georgia, pillaging the countryside and destroying both military outposts and civilian properties. New York, NY: New York University Press, 1985. I can make the march and make Georgia howl. Subscribe to the American Battlefield Trust's quarterly email series of curated stories for the curious-minded sort! On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 40 Charles Royster's The Destructive War looks at the March's increasing violence through the figure of . March to the Sea. Until we can repopulate Georgia it is useless to occupy it, but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and people will cripple their military resources. He seemed to be everywhere at once, and as he grew ever-larger in the Southern imagination, rumors about where he was and what he did to white women and slaves came to be accepted as fact. Sherman's March to the Sea was one of the most stunning operations of the Civil War, yet few people outside of Georgia knew anything about it while it was underway. And so, in Atlanta, Sherman instituted tactics later generations of American war leaders would use in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. No matter Sherman kept marching. He saw destruction of property as less onerous than casualties. Accordingly, on November 19, he dispatched Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheelers cavalry corps and some local militiamen to slow the Unions right flank. But what next? Despite these impediments, the two wings of Shermans army began to converge on Savannah in early December. While Howard's wing was delayed near Ball's Bluff, the 1st Alabama Cavalry (a Federal regiment) engaged Confederate pickets. With the Georgia state legislature having quit the capital, Union troops held a mock legislative session and voted to repeal Georgias ordinance of secession. When Joe Wheelers horsemen also began destroying property and looting, the psychological shock of Confederates abusing their own people was hard for the Georgia civilians to take. Georgia, stretching before Shermans army with its red clay hills and sandy terrain, was the largest of the Confederate states. Confederate Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood was threatening Chattanooga, and Sherman detached two armies under Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas to deal with Hood in the FranklinNashville campaign. In 2008 he took over as the executive director and managing editor of the Ulysses S. Grant Association. Shermans army reached the sea, took Fort McAllister and re-tied itself to a naval supply line. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The operation debilitated the Confederacy and helped lead to its eventual surrender. Sherman gave explicit instructions to his troops regarding their conduct while on the march. The March to the Sea was no off-the-cuff reaction by Sherman to finding himself in Atlanta in September 1864 and knowing he could not remain there. Shermans troops arrived in Savannah on December 21, 1864, about three weeks after they left Atlanta. Atlanta: After the Civil War. Sherman further arranged for 50,000 bushels of captured rice to be sold in the North to raise money to feed Savannah. Wheelers horsemen descended on the Federal column at Sandersonville on November 2526, and on November 28 they sprang an attack on Kilpatricks Union cavalry at Buckhead Creek. Clearly this soldier was practicing the psychological destructive warfare against Georgia that his commander wanted. In the hearts of Georgians, Sherman left behind a smoldering resentment of the North that persisted well into the 20th century. Sherman came to dislike the song, in part because he was never one to rejoice over a fallen foe, and in part because it was played at almost every public appearance that he attended. We are not only fighting armies, but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war, as well as their organized armies. The Confederacy suffered only 70 losses to the Unions 100, with Kilpatrick himself narrowly escaping capture. The two wings of the army attempted to confuse and deceive the enemy about their destinations; the Confederates could not tell from the initial movements whether Sherman would march on Macon, Augusta, or Savannah. [31], Sherman's scorched earth policies have always been highly controversial, and Sherman's memory has long been reviled by many Southerners. (The 10,000 Confederates who were supposed to be guarding it had already fled.) General Ulysses S. Grant. Sherman pursued the smaller Confederate army west and south until mid-October, when Hood crossed into Alabama. He fooled the Confederates into believing that one part of his army was heading toward Augusta, while the other wing was heading for Macon. On December 24th, Sherman then presented the Savannah to President Lincoln as a Christmas present. In escaping Savannah, several Confederate generals left their wives and children to Shermans personal protection, and he took this responsibility seriously, despite laughing that Confederates were willing to leave their families in the care of someone they considered a brute. Atlanta Campaign. Each regiment had one wagon and one ambulance, and each company had one pack mule for the baggage of its officers; the number of tents carried was curtailed. Shermans army had now been marching for a week. 39 Joseph T. Glatthaar's The March to the Sea and Beyond focuses specifically on the experiences of Sherman's soldiers. No doubt many acts of pillage, robbery, and violence were committed by these parties of foragers , Sherman acknowledged, but maintained that their crimes were generally against property, not individuals. To regular foraging parties must be intrusted the gathering of provisions and forage at any distance from the road traveled. Within a week, some 40 percent of the city was in ashes. Historians consider the march and the psychological warfare it waged to be an early example of total war. Abraham Lincoln: I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton.. We strive for accuracy and fairness. [40], There has been disagreement among historians on whether Sherman's March constituted total war. Dozens drowned, and Wheeler captured many of those who lived. They often felt betrayed, as they "suffered along with their owners, complicating their decision of whether to flee with or from Union troops", although that is now seen as a post synopsis of Confederate nationalism. The American Battlefield Trust and our members have saved more than 56,000 acres in 25 states! It boasted a garrison of 230 Confederates and more than 20 pieces of artillery. Determined not to lay a siege unless absolutely necessary, Sherman ordered 4,000 men from the XV Corps to seize Fort McCallister, a crucial element of the citys southern defense. Arnold presented him with the key to the city, and Sherman's men, led by Geary's division of the XX Corps, occupied the city the same day. Considering Sherman's military priorities, however, this tactical maneuver by his enemy to get out of his force's path was welcomed to the point of remarking, "If he will go to the Ohio River, I'll give him rations. I never heard of any cases of murder or rape. Indeed relatively few charges of rape were made, and military medical records showed little sexual disease. This had significant ramifications across their remaining military operations. Hardee had long since retreated to the coastal city and toiled away at its fortifications, which were effective at supplementing Savannahs natural marsh and river defenses. Very quickly, these foragers came to be called bummers, and it was they who did the most damage to the countryside and provided the most food for the troops. Sherman recounted in his memoirs the scene when he left at 7 am the following day: We rode out of Atlanta by the Decatur road, filled by the marching troops and wagons of the Fourteenth Corps; and reaching the hill, just outside of the old rebel works, we naturally paused to look back upon the scenes of our past battles. Every purchase supports the mission. Desertions soared as news of Georgias devastation began to reach the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, which was engaged in some of the wars most intense combat. Pleasant J. Phillips, came upon part of Shermans rear guard of some 1,700 men. It confiscated 9.5 million pounds of corn and 10.5 million pounds of fodder, and destroyed uncounted cotton gins and mills. Sherman's March to the Sea, (November 15-December 21, 1864) American Civil War campaign that concluded Union operations in the Confederate state of Georgia. (These groups of foraging soldiers were nicknamed bummers, and they burned whatever they could not carry.) Know about the significance and outcome of the Atlanta Campaign. Stay up-to-date on our FREE educational resources & professional development opportunities, all designed to support your work teaching American history. Reveille came at daybreak and sometimes earlier. This was an important triumph, because Atlanta was a railroad hub and the industrial center of the Confederacy: It had munitions factories, foundries and warehouses that kept the Confederate army supplied with food, weapons and other goods. The portion of this march through South Carolina was even more destructive than the Savannah campaign, since Sherman and his men harbored much ill-will for that state's part in bringing on the start of the Civil War; the following portion, through North Carolina, was less so. Although his formal orders (excerpted below) specified control over destruction of infrastructure in areas in which his army was unmolested by guerrilla activity, he recognized that supplying an army through liberal foraging would have a destructive effect on the morale of the civilian population it encountered in its wide sweep through the state.[10]. "[20] The 300-mile (480km) march began on November 15. During the march, between 17,000 and 25,000 enslaved Black people were freed. Whether it was a plantation manor, a more modest white dwelling or a slave hut, any residence encountered by these bummers stood a chance of being utterly ransacked. He issued these orders in preparation for his famous March to the Sea, also known as the Savannah Campaign. Should you entertain the proposition, I am prepared to grant liberal terms to the inhabitants and garrison; but should I be forced to resort to assault, or the slower and surer process of starvation, I shall then feel justified in resorting to the harshest measures, and shall make little effort to restrain my armyburning to avenge the national wrong which they attach to Savannah and other large cities which have been so prominent in dragging our country into civil war. until 1864, the Confederacy had been winning the Civil War. By December 12 Shermans force had neared Savannahs outer defenses. Sherman, reading the paper later in the day, was moved by Byers' poem, and promoted Byers to his staff; the two became lifelong friends. Railroads doubled as a conduit for industrial growth and transportation for the military. Sherman's March To The Sea summary: Sherman's March to the Sea is the name commonly given to the Savannah Campaign by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman taking place from November 15, 1864 to December 21, 1864. which followed the successful Atlanta . Instead, they fled South ahead of Shermans troops, wreaking their own havoc as they went: They wrecked bridges, chopped down trees and burned barns filled with provisions before the Union army could reach them. After capturing Atlanta in September 1864, General Sherman decided to use a different tactic to bring the South to its knees and . 1. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Getty Images / Print Collector / Contributor, https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/shermans-march. Grant's armies in Virginia continued in a stalemate against Robert E. Lee's army, besieged in Petersburg, Virginia. And even in this Union army of liberation, the racism of the age was still prevalent throughout the ranks. Sherman's . This December marks the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War's surrender of Savannah, where in 1864 Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman ended his infamous March to the Sea. Union general William T. Sherman abandoned his supply line and marched across Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean to prove to the Confederate . To my smoke house, my Dairy, Pantry, kitchen & cellar. It was difficult to hide anything from the foragers or the massive main column. With Wheeler close behind, many of them attempted to swim the distance. In the spring of 1864, Union Lieut. In 2011 a historical marker was erected there by the Georgia Historical Society to commemorate the African Americans who had risked so much for freedom. Gen. John P. Hatch from Hilton Head, hoping to assist Sherman's arrival near Savannah by securing the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. The militia, temporarily under the inexperienced command of Brig. Shermans true objective, hidden from even his own rank and file, was to seize the state capital of Milledgeville. They quietly abandoned their trenches and crossed the Savannah River into Confederate-held South Carolina. We stood upon the very ground whereon was fought the bloody battle of July 22d, and could see the copse of wood where McPherson fell. it was necessary to make the entire Confederate population, not just the military, feel the pain of war in order to defeat the rebellion. The March to the Sea. At the same time, Slocum's left wing approached the state capital at Milledgeville, prompting the hasty departure of Governor Joseph Brown and the state legislature. "[16], The Confederate opposition from Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee's Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida was meager. To this day, many believe that Sherman did not bring any supplies with . The field order also permitted able-bodied Black labourers to join the march, but commanding officers were instructed to remain cognizant of supplies intended for their army group. Soldiers dug up buried food, valuables and keepsakes, seemingly at will. Gen. Judson Kilpatricks 5,000 Union horse soldiers cleared it out of the way. In all foraging, of whatever kind, the parties engaged will refrain from abusive or threatening language, and may, where the officer in command thinks proper, give written certificates of the facts, but no receipts, and they will endeavor to leave with each family a reasonable portion for their maintenance. Shermans 37-day campaign is remembered as one of the most successful examples of total war, and its psychological effects persisted in the postbellum South. Not only was Shermans army vastly larger and superior to the Confederate military, but he also outmaneuvered the few Confederate forces and kept them uncertain about his destination. Gen. William H. Jackson, had approximately 10,000 troopers. His armies sustained more than 1,300 casualties, with the Confederacy suffering roughly 2,300. In fact, his true destination was the Georgia capital of Milledgeville. As the main columns had been marching all day, organized soldiers and others fanned out in all directions, looking for food and booty. Hood moved his battered Army of Tennessee northwest from their southerly position to Palmetto, Georgia. Marszalek, John F. Sherman's March to the Sea. Sherman demanded surrender, and he would accept nothing less, so his men tore through the Palmetto State. The next morning, Savannah Mayor Richard Dennis Arnold, with a delegation of aldermen and ladies of the city, rode out (until they were unhorsed by fleeing Confederate cavalrymen) to offer a proposition: The city would surrender and offer no resistance, in exchange for General Geary's promise to protect the city's citizens and their property. HISTORY.com works with a wide range of writers and editors to create accurate and informative content. He is rightly called the American father of total warfare, a harbinger of the psychological tactics of the next century. On the morning of November 16, Sherman set out for the coast at the head of roughly 62,000 men. The cavalry captured two Confederate guns at Lovejoy's Station, and then two more and 50 prisoners at Bear Creek Station. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. By ripping up and melting down tracks, Union soldiers slowly crippled the states industrial and military potential in full view of its civilians. The Union defensive position was strong and Howards men were equipped with repeating rifles. Welch, Robert Christopher. Most Union soldiers complied with Shermans orders. Just 25 miles (40 km) north of Savannah, Daviss men were crossing a bloated Ebenezer Creek when they were ordered to destroy their bridge. 15. Shermans total war in Georgia was brutal and destructive, but it did just what it was supposed to do: it hurt Southern morale, made it impossible for the Confederates to fight at full capacity and likely hastened the end of the war. Well known to Sherman from his study of the 1860 census, Georgias fertile soil still held potential to feed the ravenous Confederacy. "[36] David J. Eicher wrote that "Sherman had accomplished an amazing task. The Army of the Tennessee, headed by Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, comprised the right wing. However, news of brutal prisoner treatment at Camp Lawton would later prompt Sherman to order the destruction of several miles of track along the Augusta & Savannah Railroad. Sherman allowed Hardees army to escape the city, although he could have crushed it. Their target was the second-largest city in the South: Atlanta, Georgia. In the fall of 1864, the Union General William Tecumseh ("Cump") Sherman took 60,000 men and pillaged his way through Georgia's civilian farmsteads. On December 21 Savannahs mayor formally surrendered the city to the Union. done with more spirit, or in better harmony of time and place. On November 15, 62,000 men split into two infantry wings (actually four parallel corps columns) with screening cavalry to protect the main bodies as they spread across the landscape departed Atlanta. Columbus: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1943. General Sherman finally gained control of the city of Atlanta on September 2, 1864. What were the effects of Shermans March to the Sea? As soon as the mayor of Savannah surrendered his city, Sherman the fiend became Sherman the friend. Special Field Orders No. Whereas more than 6,500,000 women in the United States are living with endometriosis; Whereas endometriosis is a chronic disease that can be painful and debilitating and affects At the Battle of Buck Head Creek on November 28, Kilpatrick was surprised and nearly captured, but the 5th Ohio Cavalry halted Wheeler's advance, and Wheeler was later stopped decisively by Union barricades at Reynolds's Plantation. It was also a symbol of Confederate pride and strength, and its fall made even the most loyal Southerners doubt that they could win the war. [13], Sherman had ruthlessly cut to the bone the supplies carried, intending as he did for the army to live off the land as much as possible. Sherman's personal escort on the march was the 1st Alabama Cavalry Regiment, a unit made up entirely of Southerners who remained loyal to the Union. At the culmination of the March to the Sea, William Tecumseh Shermans forces surrounded Savannah, Georgia, after capturing Fort McCallister, a crucial element in the citys southern defense. Major General William Tecumseh Sherman was a contradiction embodied. [32] Some who welcomed him as a liberator chose to follow his armies. A little more slaughter. Although bummers engaged in prohibited activity, the overall psychological impact on the local population was precisely the purpose of the march. Factories, farms and railroads provided Confederate troops with the things they needed, he reasoned; and if he could destroy those things, the Confederate war effort would collapse. Barrett, John G. (1960) "Sherman and Total War in the Carolinas". As one Georgia woman wrote in her diary: like Demons they rush in! In preparation, he moved the few people remaining in the city about 10 percent of its 20,000-person population in early 1864 out of the area, and cut his supply line. The ensuing campaign and siege occupied most of the summer, with Sherman finally forcing a surrender on September 2. Acting as the rear guard for the army, on December 9, 1864, Federals under the command of Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis were crossing the flooded Ebenezer Creek on a pontoon bridge. These orders have been depicted in popular culture as the origin of the "40 acres and a mule" promise. The Union lost 130 men in this assault and the Confederacy 40. "[37], According to a 2022 American Economic Journal study which sought to measure the medium- and long-term economic impact of Sherman's March, "the capital destruction induced by the March led to a large contraction in agricultural investment, farming asset prices, and manufacturing activity. Sign up to receive the latest information on the American Battlefield Trust's efforts to blaze The Liberty Trail in South Carolina. [33] A Confederate officer estimated that 10,000 liberated slaves followed Sherman's army, and hundreds died of "hunger, disease, or exposure" along the way. How did Shermans March to the Sea conclude? The staffs of the various headquarters were ruthlessly restricted, and much clerical work was done by permanent offices in the rear. The Union soldiers were just as unsparing. The March attracted a huge number of refugees, to whom Sherman assigned land with his Special Field Orders No. Some bummers escalated their attacks on the local population. Confederate morale reached new lows as Sherman burned his way east. Knowing that Confederate cavalry was nearby, the fugitives, fearful of being captured and killed or re-enslaved, panicked. Wheelers Confederate cavalry responded by killing Union prisoners. Sherman's army marched 285 miles (458 km . Together with Shermans Atlanta Campaign, the March to the Sea may have tipped the scales of victory toward the Union. And taking the work of General Thomas into the count, as it should be taken, it is indeed a great success. Expert Answers. Sherman's March to Sea. In planning for the march, Sherman used livestock and crop production data from the 1860 census to lead his troops through areas where he believed they would be able to forage most effectively. His force faced little resistance. Some economists have measured residual agricultural effects lasting through 1920. At the Battle of Honey Hill on November 30, Hatch fought a vigorous battle against G.W. Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee commanded the undermanned Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and Maj. Gen. Gustavus W. Smith led the small Georgia state militia. General Sherman's March to the Sea was historic. Not all of the destruction was even Shermans doing: some one-third of the citys buildings were in ruins as a result of entrenchments dug by the Confederates and the detonation of ammunition performed as part of Hoods evacuation. Supply line and marched across Georgia to the Sea. to be sold in the Carolinas.... Have saved more than 1,300 casualties, with Sherman finally gained control of various... Fort McAllister and re-tied itself to a naval supply line swim the distance regiment ) Confederate. Made, and Wheelers cavalry corps and some local militiamen to slow Unions! Reason for General Sherman finally forcing a surrender on September 2 Confederate guns at Lovejoy Station! Atlanta in September 1864, the fugitives, fearful of being captured and killed or re-enslaved,.! And total war us went further than to acquiesce the State capital of Milledgeville Confederate! 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