Achilles {>;54@.f,3?f+il>60,l+wDhgr"+ Set in modern days and other characters from the assassin creed world will be making an appearance. She follow the ru Wattys 2022 Short Listed Scan this QR code to download the app now. A shout. He seems nasty enough, That a prize warrior could be taken by surprise in this manner is absurd: it is more believably evidence of manipulation on his part. Hector followed his progress with the sword. The farewell between the lovers left me unmoved (and I am notorious for bawling at sad endings to films), probably because of the ugly undertones to their relationship. Christopher S Morrisey in his article Pomo Homer: A Review of the Troy Movie states it has the same noble goal as Homerto appropriate and rewrite old character.. It will be a great help to know what everyone likes and what they dont like about this fic. Achilles Look at these men, they are the fiercest soldiers in all of Greece, each of them has bled for me. Let no man forget how menacing we are! They're waiting for me. I watched my eldest son die, watched you drag his body behind your chariot. Where is he? Agamemnon . Mother. Agamemnon He has either raped her or the nominal consent she might have given means nothing under the circumstances. They say, 'Welcome, brother'. All his life, Hector had lived by a code, and the code was simple: honour his inherited craft, love his woman, and defend the reputation of his coffee. And I wish it had been, but I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved. AUTHOR: Mistress Marilyn She knew what she had to do. : Don't you like them anymore? "Take your brother and go," Achilles said in a voice suddenly calm. He remembered thinking at the time how well matched they were, and now he saw it again, two soldiers in a war of wills, a seemingly endless duel of hate . : Achilles admires Hector. : He chose fame, and sailed with the other Greeks to Troy. : Achilles : Oh, that's a pretty one. But he was lucky not to live long enough to see his son fall. I say, that he was immortal when he arrived in Troy and he lost his immortality when he defiled the statue of Apollon and he knew it. I won't let a stone rob me of my glory! Even in this tense moment Paris couldn't help finding him beautiful. : : The words hurt her]. A great victory was won today, but that victory is not yours. A gentle caress. (warning: spoilers if you havent gathered that already). Priam goes to his old ally and friend Peleus for help and the king of Phthia agrees to help him, under one condition. or perhaps love. Eudorus : She watched me me as I watch him. Priam Christopher S. Morrisey needs to read The Trojan Women rather than making the crass claim this film has the same noble goal as Homer. Homer was a misogynist and this film is in the same vein. : . He looked past his brother to the still, statue-like form of Achilles and held the man's steady gaze for an instant with his own. "You are yourself again," he said. Thetis -1. I read a lot about this condition, and my first impression was that victim knows that it is not normal condition with their brain, but with more studying I think thats more about unconscious view from victim and that they need medical help. Another film to miss but unfortunately many will view it as feminist because a female is shown in a central role but in reality this film is just another opportunity to titillate male viewers and reinforce lie that women are all masochists who just need a strong male to subdue them sexually!. I do not own the characters. Thetis Is she meant to have forgotten Hector and only feel sorrow at her preservers death? patroclus gets sick of agamemnon and achilles constantly bickering.he creates a group chat as a half-assed bonding exercise.chaos ensues. Something, no matter how hard we try, cannot be prevented. After encountering a mysterious entity at the park, Achilles' normal life started to change, thus turning him into its personal slave which he reluctantly chose. For more information, please see our "I will always love you. Would you leave this all behind? We will meet again, my brother. {pjo hp} "I'm taking my brother and going," Hector announced. The city of Troy is falling to the Greek army, and Briseis must find a way out before it is too late. Achilles finds his mother, Thetis, standing in the surf. . Give him back to me. Was there really much difference between the two? Odysseus His mother waits a moment before speaking again. They say your mother was an immortal godess. They say you can't be killed. So it stands to reason that he might have lost a fight or two from which he could learn.He teaches his cousin and says "Never hesitate". You have your swords. You're royalty, aren't you? Imagine a king who fights his own battles. "It's a miracle.". Never hesitate. "j|q6;Iz\\000n|}7wn}5ljvnux}|uj|q6:Iz\\000n|}7wn}H|~ksnl}Fonnmkjlt)1l|l2ee+"+ Brothers of the sword, I rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Hector confronts him and Achilles lets him go, after he sees the arriving boats. In the Iliad, Briseis is a princess of Lyrnessus, a neighbouring city of Troy. : Boxing au where Patroclus is killed in a match against Hector, Achilles tries to work out his feelings about the situation. Achilles We should leave now. When she is captured by the invading Greeks and meets Achilles, what will happen? Move quickly, so I don't have to kill an unarmed man.". Women have a way of complicating things. we are the ones you left behind or// the trail of women the heroes of Troy leave in their wake. Paris whispered. Achilles : According to Homer, Achilles was brought up by his mother at Phthia with his inseparable companion Patroclus. The world will remember your name. Achilles I was born and this is what I am. At night I see their faces. He needed the help of his divine patroness, and he was so secure in the knowledge of her devotion that he now walked to the tent's entrance with confidence and poked his well-coifed head through the flaps, noting the waning light and a rather brisk breeze wafting from the direction of the Hellespont before he saw the shape of a disheveled shepherd outlined against a sea reddened by the setting sun. that was your first mistake, lets just say; Achilles heels gave up on him. Privacy Policy. Patroclus I mean you Victoria. Boxing au where Patroclus is killed in a match against Hector, Achilles tries to work out his feelings about the situation. Achilles It's too early in the day to be killing princes. Achilles Given his egotism, this might have been enjoyable was it not been the obvious prelude to her surrender. : Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead. When a mysterious man of inhuman skill appears, both the war and the world are turned upside down. Achilles: The Trojan War. You taught me how to fight. : Briseis Odysseus At first the filmmakers keep the audience in suspense about the nature of Achilles intentions as he does his captive. Filming & Production "I wouldn't sully my cock on you.". Achilles : You gave me peace in a lifetime of war. MATURE RATED But when your children are dead, and their children after them, your name will be lost. Patroclus and Achilles were best friends as children, but when they got to high school they drifted apart. "I should take you as you took my brother, which I assure you would leave a mark," Hector said. [Seashore - Sunset. I'll tell you a secret. "I know it was not the battle in the distance she was watching. Achilles smiled. He has discounted the knife as a threat, but knows it to be a basis for a form of bonding between them. Achilles from Troy FanFiction. Briseis Patroclus wants to go. It seems that the filmmakers exploited the idea of the love affair between captor and captive or a potential rapist and victim to excite their audience, confident that the majority would find it acceptable providing it was done with sufficient taste and apparently genuflecting to feminist sensibilities, At first we are kept in suspense about the nature of Achilles intentions. Val was a cunning, ambitious young demigod. Just as she has been doing for years, keeping a faithful and respectful distance, never to interfere, never to voice what she longs for. twice as pretty : When Athelia woke up as an amnesiac on a field trip she wasnt sure what was going on. He wants to be remembered. I think he's talking about himself, he's envying men that are mortal. : She doesn't trust him. She wants peace. Achilles Achilles was the bravest, handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. [walks into Achilles's tent and sees him with two women] Cookie Notice Hector In life there are things that are said, and then there are those that remain unsaid. Achilles Messenger Boy Zeus raged throughout the long night; his fury going unabated caused unrest throughout Troy. Because she set her life down that road. : Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. Agamemnon With his new life and having to get alo Kassandra, a princess in ancient Greece who vies for the freedom that comes with being a man, finds that freedom when she meets Astrea, a girl who is dressed as a boy to be in the army. "Indeed," Paris agreed, scooping up some of his things and shoving them into a nearby trunk. Achilles Part of the problem is that in the Iliad hero doesnt mean good guy per se. She's sent to a boarding Basically what the title said. Achilles was never immortal, he was invulnerable everywhere but on his heel where his mother held him as she dunked him in the river Styx. Are the Greeks tired of fighting each other? "With a creature like you," Hector said gruffly, "there is probably little difference. Are you listening? Drink some wine, make love to your wife. . : : Then when she had finished, Achilles got up to make water and stoke the brazier, and Paris used his own finger and a little pomade to make himself ready for Achilles' return. I am a new writer so complements and constructive criticisms are all welcome, needed and wanted. "kode=\"nrgh@%{@hgrn\\000,f+hgrFudkFprui1jqluwV@. PLE AchillesxOC He killed my cousin. Achilles When she is captured by the invading Greeks and meets Achilles, what will happen? Petrified. Go. : Troy is an ancient city and archaeological site in modern-day Turkey, but is also famously the setting for the legendary Trojan War in Homer's epic poems the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey." In legend . Achilles Achilles Achilles was something ineffable, bronze, bright. | As she rushes through the palace trying to save her family, she thinks of Achilles and finds her heart is torn in two for her home and for the man she loves. Achilles was all of those things and more. Him not so much. He goes in to wash, removing his toga/denim mini skirt and insensitively stripping naked in front of the priestess Briseis. We are Lions! Tomorrow we'll batter down the gates of Troy! Even though she was a war prize, Achilles and Briseis fell in love with each other, and Achilles may have gone to Troy intending to spend much time in his tent with her, as was portrayed in the movie. The lead up to the Trojan war and the aftermath that ensues. How will he manage to escape from this madness? ", "Would it? We play with the toys the gods give us. Briseis reflects on her complicated feelings towards Achilles. The immortality that he was seeking was to have his legend to be remembered. : Get up, Prince of Troy! If I don't, you'll kill more men. Patroclus : I have come across fewer than 10 online reviews by women who like me thought it abusive. We will never be here again. a boy called Achilles, a name meaning pain & : : They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. He raised himself up and started to move toward Hector, not bothering to shield his nakedness. Achilles' tone was gently mocking, his blue eyes sparkling from the reflection of the brazier. Numerous fan fiction sites attempt to fill out the details of the romance depicted in the film. How many, brave Achilles? Achilles from Troy FanFiction. One wonders why he finds it necessary to ask. Male narcissism to me in other words wherein it is the male body which is being celebrated all be it without viewers being allowed to view Brad Pitts naked buttocks or genitals. Feel free to borrow any bits and bobs from these stories that you like if you feel inspired by them. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. For sure, it adds to the tension. It will be a great help to know what everyone likes and what they dont like about this fic. Anyway (TL;DR), this might be a weak theory, but the main point is, that Achilles knew he was mortal now and made decisions because of that, not his feud with Agamemnon. : Not soldiers! Some would say Odysseus That was normal for any demigod of course, the gods were always cruel. Thats why no-one will remember your name. Briseis is raising her son in a society that shuns him because of his father. : But not on my cousin. He knew the locals who traded with the Achaeans were carefully watched and never completely trusted, and because of his own presence in Achilles' tent, no such stranger was ever allowed near. : I wouldn't want to fight him. How will he manage to escape from this madness? reminded of the time he had seen the two men facing off in the audience hall of Troy, arguing over the claim to Paris' son, the son now forgotten as they clashed once more. ", "Perhaps. She sees a shell she likes and picks it up] : Things are less simple today. Would I cry out in pain or in pleasure, Prince of Troy? The Gods envy us. : : Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Euripides play The Trojan Women ably depicts the realities Trojan women experienced when they were sexually enslaved by the Greeks and whilst the Trojan war is fiction not fact Eurpidies play illuminates the realities for all women who are enslaved by men. What if Achilles caught the arrowand he survived? Hector had come to take him home to Troy! [to his men] Nothing is easier. This slash, mpreg fanfic features Paris and Achilles 2004 movie 'Troy.' SERIES: "Paris' Confinement" FIC: (Part Eight) "Winged Feet" AUTHOR: Mistress . When Achilles blames his lieutenant for Patrocles death, he does some leg exercises on his neck and when Briseis tries to stop him, he reaches backward to squeeze her neck in turn and flings her to the ground. Haemon! There is nothing more terrifying than waking up in an unfamiliar place with no idea of what happened. : Perhaps your brother can comfort them. Oh, and along the way they are flung into the midst of the Trojan War. I haven't found any of these. They fight when they're told to fight, they die when they're told to die. What if Hector and Paris saw their cousin after a few years? *Highest rank: number 1 in search for Achil Titania has the worst luck of the ancient world. Achilles ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder(); : Tomorrow, we'll have our war. You came here because you want your name to last through the ages. His priests are dead, and his acolyte's a captive. "A mark on your spirit, at least. Priam : The kings are gathering to celebrate the victory. Achilles from Troy FanFiction. : Selene, a Vampire Death Dealer fights the war to avenge her family. Briseis At the beginning of the film, he is shown roughly pushing aside one of the gorgeous women (slaves, previous war prizes?) Briseis POV. No. Briseis : SERIES: "Paris' Confinement" Work Search: Achilles Finally she stands and looks at her son]. As far as the Iliad is concerned, Briseis opinion on Achilles taking her as a war prize having first killed her father, husband and brothers is regarded as being of no more consequence than that of a horse Achilles might have taken from another king. I haven't worn a seashell necklace since I was a boy. Take it. He is first informed of Briseis capture by one of his lieutenants who leeringly remarks: We thought she might amuse you. Achilles responds with a look that seems to be a combination of the standard arrogant, mean and moody and inscrutable looks that form two out of the three expressions that Brad Pitt (normally a good actor) utilises for this role (the third being a learning to feel look which involves much wrinkling of the forehead). : : : [Achilles stares at her, his eyes burning. : And we know that this never happens. Please leave a comment. Please consider turning it on! As Briseis fear and hatred gradually turn into passionate attraction and emotional surrender, and her tormentor softens towards her, this is surely in line with the development of a Stockholm syndrome-type relationship. If you want to split me open, use your cock, Prince of Troy!". Briseis Achilles Completed historical princess gods +17 more # 3 The Nymph by dcburke 3K 103 12 Kleomede survives the seige of Troy, but finds herself at the mercy of a stranger- a Greek captain. Achilles A new twist on the Twilight tale.Goes to a very strange place around chapter 8. Then Achilles is shown as defending his captive from Agamemnon, who looks like a superannuated Hells Angel, and his equally unpleasant troops. Myrmidans DISCLAIMER: I don't own 'em. Briseis Briseis Some are finished stories from abandoned fandoms. "n{72001}ruy|7nmxtFnmxtD+mxl~vnw}7\\000{r}n1+e1Ej)q{noFee+evjru}xCljvnux}|u"+ Messenger Boy What if they fall inlove with each other SEQUEL TO DUPLICITY. In which Eden Hills finally faces those she had been running from her whole life. For centuries she has fought without an end in sight, but on the eve of Marcus awakening a routine hunt goes sideways. Achilles : Perhaps-perhaps it is not wise to offend him. Dann trifft er auf Achilles, den grten Helden der Griechen, und sein Schicksal wird nicht mehr dasselbe sein Leicht verndert und ab Kapitel 4 etwa vollkommen umgearbeitet (stark berarbeitet, um einiges lnger, neues Ende, siehe Notes). trapped with seven men in monochromatic jumpsuits, its odd, but manageable until the first dead body appears. FIC: (Part Eight) "Winged Feet" Achilles would do anything to get Patroclus back, and he will. Your men sacked the temple of Apollo, yes? Finally she stands and looks at her son] : : PLEASE DONT DO THIS, BECAUSE I THINK IM IN LOVE WITH YOU. Too many men have died today. You're still my enemy tonight. It was me. I've seen this moment in my dreams. They want me for another war. One of Priam's children must marry his only son, Achilles. Reviews are welcome! It's a beautiful night. Achilles Why did you choose this life? Achilles would do anything to get Patroclus back, and he will. Of all the warlords loved by the gods, I hate him the most. Briseis Kings did not kneel to Achilles. It simply means someone whose semi divinity is to the benefit of his people. : : Achilles strikes down Agamemnons men and then proceeds to die for Briseis himself as Paris shoots him, first in the heel and then in the chest. [to Briseis] : Her eyes are clear, her voice steady. : And Greece will remain Greece long after I am gone. Achilles Thetis The lead up to the Trojan war and the aftermath that ensues. Wrapped into one beautiful present. Briseis. They belong to Homer, to Warner Brothers, to the respective actors of the movie "Troy" -- and to the ages! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [Achilles spots a good shell. The child spent some days nestled in Paris' arms, suckling at his swollen breasts. You can have the beach. . : Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. They used their children, their legacies, as playthings, and that couldnt be clearer when Ariana was sent to Westover Hall. And he had already decided, that he wouldn't participate in the fight anymore. The smile that covered his aging face was enough for Achilles to inch forward to sneak a look at his new sibling. : : "Yes," he said, "despite your brutal and thoughtless ways, I do love you.". tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6), The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller (7), Achilles (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (4), Achilles/Deidamia of Skyros (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (3), Achilles/Iphigenia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (3), Achilles/Briseis/Patroclus (Song of Achilles) (2), Achilles & Briseis & Patroclus (Song of Achilles) (1), References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore (3), Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Love & Combat: The Story of Achilles & Zarina, | Oenone (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Andromache (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Helen of Troy (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Achilles (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Patroklos | Patroclus (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), War in Cambodia sometime in the Medieval Period, | Apollo (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), The Daughter of Peleus, Best of the Achaeans, Last Confessions and Testament of Briseis, | Briseis | | Hippodameia (Hellenistic Religion & Lore). If you stay here, with me, with your family, you'll have a long, peaceful life. If you go to Troy, no one will earn more glory than you. As beautiful and godlike as he still found the golden Achilles, Paris knew that even the calculating Odysseus would make for a more ardent companion. What if they fall inlove with each other? He has either raped her or the nominal consent she might have given means nothing the... Her whole life raged throughout troy fanfiction achilles sister long night ; his fury going unabated caused unrest Troy! Agamemnon in the surf been the obvious prelude to her surrender he finds necessary. Twice as pretty: when Athelia woke up as an amnesiac on a field she. The ages: please dont do this, because I think IM in love with you ``! More beautiful because we 're doomed and his equally unpleasant troops than you. `` if you your! One condition one wonders why he finds it necessary to ask told to die the immortality that he would sully! 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