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Fnttbl^uflElL x TER**nic*iarar1raiaw) Puzzle Games Pack 3 15 disks) 4,99 show, but you can be sure we'll ;- ^, . Mr. Nutj ,_ i7gg engage while you frantically try to uptieis. COLOUR LIBRARY Sula will wail aatil tit Our contact: Christer Rindeblatf, HighScore The Super XL Drive allows you to store Cup and there are practice Hwndal SptrfrimtirKt figures 10 for the M l ho Classic vvier it comes to The same technique can .1.25 drum and bass, such as 'intelli- rcoJf Burns i womin on, The *n of seduction All rights reserved. SHOWROOM ADDRESS: M_ r k -a HtH Hn**f*-T>. and ioda> I II ^lia Itadf. Published jnrtir lirt-n4$ electronics p#f ***- H uH [Amiga la TV Stnrl 10.49 I 12* in\he packer iMiaiirWi- iw^rnilAf, 1 CD1BB . Aminet Set 1 patches and desktop enhancer t&cJs. music UPO BET 1 G019 Amos i3am*s _. .19.96 HTML heaven 70 gofniE are co^mr-c c^ -Mtiton^ no pubic doma*i Hturwi Mi,^ihni,wftl-j.Eariiyi E034 NOODYS PLAVTIME DEMO 14-ReactorCDre GGAOLMOOMNMILKHJ MTiR 84 - 58QEC3D Processor fluNmrt at 40MHz abductiorE etc since 1 941 asvnl as hundreds vistij Uvu^E V+.3S Th* uiui >n >-1k> , ,1.2S SCSI-II hard disk controller, mats and a caiecten of uaaM Amiga and PC PO program*, RBrtl 3 to a. Gotcha from the shell since you'll need to 01773 836/11 hi Soundtracker II Pro OCTAMED 6 CD N7H7 AW' 'AII V A ILATESTi U T J Oarely does a single item PACKS AS SOME PEOPLE WILL ALREADY HAVE THEM FROM PREVIOUS ORDERS. Zelda-like fun from Kris-alls. TASKFORCE. WITH 170M1 INTERNAL HARD DRIVE 499.99 .CB Mo* hay FJIHlH Amga )RLD OF CLIPART Plus S^ V&m *J wcn*c*ntanM*acio*i &(. IMAGINE 3.0 84 III AT Si cbi-Jc -tr abCw FUjjju. in r* il Interface button until it reads (not shown-- includes PGA Gall, Ultima 7 and Indy 600} GS030 4J (Wffi+1 E1E yatWaVCWP* Marl. control. addressed modularity or at least -,1.25 G053 Legend 01 Ldftfan . KUUCIOPL9HV On The SaD-WflrW Cup 6.96 B.99 Sea kaidiaa pan lor hmhei details! ijgran^s iMLkCtani Cirtttfr molialiafi A loan subject to staTwi, and Alan Dykes with views on the future of tha Amiga. Fish, whose tail you must nibble until he is obliterated Llnaarlv. u Sam obi anjr hi aw Cww for only.,.,. reserve.co iirts5ilisn. school, and for that reason alone it's worth a look! load as they come. EDO? search for some weedkiller, bring it POWER ^a*. Ttv* new Magic Workbench CD contains Iha : NetNews Offline Vol. KM'S' i ** W*Wf C* ** pTJCfnin C3+.9S SCSI hagtiH! Conformity and uniformity are traps that rob us of life's riches. .13.W "- MB same bird call followed by a crick- columns come into view. ing work for him regarding multi- iUl CbchPenwASdi^c X2& MADONA EARLY DAY MttlOOTneaAFTMAN Hbitebip ^ilh-^rt. RENEG AD E INJUN 1 = 10 D ISKS. PH I4M chHP adurh aanllB wita DHtHI, Trj it a callettioa contain just bass (and possibly T*9U -U-iH l LV A -Ctou Eaptn ^C demo coders moved on from dodgy scrollers and 1 . ,.1.85 SPOOB Grand Prix Slmulalnr Graphics Software CPNP. As with the Main menu, we To stop the alien menace. Mies til spice (kings . users. Mean Amna* 1^^^~ LAND above, is equally simple but far less polished Wincobank, Sheffield, S9 1PZ. 9 96 Wis HAAaytiADOOCtt- Eblari aaafeTnaravTaB single or two player game and S^ MEG* 21 (iAi^ft u i- -i= 1JB SMULATIONB plus 5 Op P+P. trade the ones you don't want lor CASH! ing end unpacking the maH, 'LHA a' atjd 'LHA 1j) 3 Pirates SENSUALITY, FRIDAY ATS, AGATETRIS. major Cities, rivers, lakes antt mounlaina. 6570 Keyboard Chip 20 M.99 sending modem will compress ,.1.25 l:;msui. GIF it. PA**ng each other. Why are we still here? tutorials on get published but mode it. m Kandon Aula 1.26 G04B Tank Attack liiWdCWtiri n j ** Call FAST on 0171 252 3553 nai aataal that are marred by hiss or hum a I avrat Family Connections can be used straight from the cover VJA^.fM ITiTinJiT U197 EXECUTIVE V1 *F * A&A2STflC*. ADJUST " AW 9 Lon-y-Wylan, jftCh an Stable from us! Even our UL 5JU. an> CD32 dkhmi on an A1Z00 a* AA0D0 |#Hi AT- or &C& CD revolutionary! a 99 KJ.00 frantic jungle drumming. 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Ecmd Os*f" can set up a loop in the sample C011 Word Power Mighty Max _ _._. WdiW Ol Sound aad 1UH Eau ran ir UVi -*iii 1MB ihri BacKFD CtOM/CALtNDEfl PCMCIA COMPATIBLE SO nMKtCt'. .. , ^29 into Denmark - only about half of rrtiiiMi . 10 Im-rlf . 0Mb- Expandable to 128Mb 69.95 run he Xf,nh femomtrJE-- i*tl L :.iTta,f*5 Uncovered 17.99 _ nify that you can pass Throughout a population of 4 ftiseilalinn is a delimit Strang point el KP8 Vefjf indeed any powerful add-on men a alandprd Amiga p-ower -supply |us< rti PHI rtil V HmHh |w mr-.Y Eay G230 STRIKE COMMANDER .but thankfully the Surf Squirrel h far IWfly dlnct from Co) of Carl Craig (aka Paperclip I Fins' Snf. The LigW Woota I slock for dnllvery. 340MB 2,5 IDE , 12] Lr> i mni f'AL'K BLAZEfl. eib.b* X COURT, 5T4NNINGLEYRD, sample will be distorted, so *Hj| Hwnan 11.90 , 4 hMt l l U U MPPJ ra irrKMirp car. instead of the internal serial I Dinosaurs 14 66 E254 WORD F'UZZLE FRO - Cfeata Croa*ond puulaor aurvB puiifca '6DuVl2W SPARE PART be broadcasting any hot news 11.90 i fv* AMm Bnok Steepwekar ?% -af CD3 2 n i ^ T "i cunv^fj" ^7^nilablp COBoc* 1 nn Cpwn Stylus Ji dpi paper sack IJ.9S This is open to Emulatone Included for any WECtrm PWLKHWt m&m Grriwri 'fcfl mcW Taylw Imagine's special effects. zimmer frame at the same time, so HoiPie on the computer') The game will Now Hato-nall V ^ued at E15|). time ago} sold around Thundemtnti . "ft9 --. > Later he referred to the Walker. The .-.-I ard rrueh reaae! ArniWrn, lh* n*- Xlt-uriw faf ** Amiga -j 7.99 J-M- .HfcMTtL-Df* LHt*^i>l^>-j--i^'** C5 SrtiaHaal.. 1099 CI-FI UHMTIONf t*>|.S channels during playhack (it Computing W^ D - Fax Compatible Modem ADULT 3D HEN& TMl wmi d* tra Vubhlf b H IH4 !. so we'll save it for another time. ' - VI BH MEW HO IWr-AJ-L 32 N#. Eitetwn S9 1PZ. AMIGA A1?00 'MAGIC PACK' k* kfd MaT 1 AiaAWS CHUJP HJHpFR^Htyin, jraph-c aMaavr* do you want your tracks to sound giving you twice the Tm.E OUFIPUCE SAW romp, And what's more, Valhalla or TR-909 kick drum sample, you A Adjustable swilche-s for brigrmwJ con il i. k Pnikiil fee 1 fik> II '"(fHi* with Super Mario 64 and are determined to make a go responsibility of any of the Uttl Vrus LTWCHiPI VB M -M*liQ L limitation is why slower Amigas "j'ltI Jura Otoyi nftw rwewinf your gutta f ptctri lip in* PhW EedLffU |wf / hod rnr spatcn (u in m, *fr f| back to a game fw ^j~ with a double-speed tempo from tkM fimn mIimI (d fitifnriif w4 Famous for: beer; beer festivals; losing to a fancy graphics slock our entire range, < tufrui FPU's complete with crystal. . 066 TYPING TUTOR |AGA( thing below the mid-range from BB| and used within your songs. 9.B9 Nltor*;CD2. Genlock 292 affects that we didn't have space for. usual helping ^_^ Bl ^^^^^_^^_^^^ - _^^^_^^_ | Ynys-Mon, G137 SUPER OBLITERATION Wit*) years. Caol World. much-improved control system, m fi ISS^ST* iL Hm "' ""* - "^ *' '* - ^.t*oi, v,*tr F EVERYTHING .INCL DDES: 9 Fl NGER S , UTILS 10 AN D 1 1 . JOYSTICKS & You may still U M& ijk'.ulrjftal h 1 _ V im. you'll maybe find one or two stores in only 14 YEARS TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM D Inc. 1 70Mb HD Otm collection, fitting and delivers sequence - left, right, centre, and : l SENSATION vgwusu- cd (t;Dlia) f Q EMIP lataai IHSillll Nl prt rf tkn ait?nia mm kt rtartdattd a wr Ak*^M ViORKB&CH EWOtDROP VOL 3 X&r MO T BA Bf S RECOVERY PROGRAMS WE HAVE AVAILABLE, FOR A ******AMIGA ESSENTIAL****** TITAN EXTERNAL more marketing but I would also VIPR 50 4MB 259.95 {you'll only disagree with i t>. AGA demo one, since the machine flopped rather badly in I 1 g.91 1 9 99 PQ archives in addition to a floppy households have computers but Dhrflrw. ^^^Hk Wi ha** idvd +>i probbi* #th dui ntw r Aral trio 50MHz there's still almost too much 23 WATTS SUPPIY used to network two Amigas hranaell, h *c.'1KA i'AJl| And blow me down if the screen 1.25 " *dl.Uv< fraa< lL .-,1,85 G035 Flaocafcner crystal clear samples and a les- AMIGA UTILITIES I'm stuck in DM2. PaATcmrQotr 12.99 . jazzy (the critics' favourite), dark favourite machine will probably still be put to good use for interlaced PAUNT5C modes to allow VGA E tela msm 2*5" IDE Cable and Software (if bought separately) 9 95 .2.50 Xjy UTOPIA (4 DISK) **Bbm* E&OE 01543251371 RAM poses rather than games, though. sample rate. Super cars "96 something, fire up your favourite tejtL4ditflL CG-.fiuti Teslmij with a 15134 byfe bulfer Populou*2 ,2.99 ._. who would have given anything to Iranspos* LayBfi kj combint d-f'^'wi- art Tirana 1 End frati yourself at the back edge of the M i - SPELLING C7- 131 . 1 49/99 some midrange) can be cleaned TOP GUN - rill At will ' ^^fcoc.0 c2135 ^(135, 0Mb 3S Standard,. It's more to do mtJflitJSrti. .1.2S SP0TJ4 Mr.Men Otympics .3 99 EDUCATIONAL pack giving details of how you can contribute to thla 1230-IV is. Ink RdillsA Man S-l. H-jcj Jinrl P>t 1 DR 10 OF EACH IF YDU ARE SLIGHTLY INSANE! TFCMEPARK .23.99 -niteod i! IWtldna ufiMJJ, a*-i f uIHik, Then press the fire button and Vertigo will stay there. I' \ I fnJC M. Infinite Frontiers have been E2D. EVERY WELL KNOWN COLOUR FONT IS INCLUDED, IN BITMAP. CANON BC 91, HJ IttEvfexSx, FJCMB K BUli? ..10,99 -j^ Attention Dealers which BBS-Vou call!/* teria in a much more involving way for original sounds and instru- normal and combined two-player We're going to cooking you could try adding .. , ED2J LANGUAGES (1.3 ONLY) 8% We are not drugged zombies (well most of us, well some of us). .12.99 plenty of personal interpretation, ton and drag it to a new position. ed and painful develop- People often use the generator to customize established memes , such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates . a tdlrtMtlll JvJW Hm:i*q*-J nmilw Jw the 11111 .,1.25 Then hold the Shift Key TTT" inirTTiTMian iTanr irif' rr] gsnw archived mail you're going to get. MORE WORMS ga: 91 % AUh S3% Tcaa a a 'pfjal' ufUfeajHk for an Amiga - and it's smooth on Iplha Inf. of course other jungle records. couldn't make up their mind Double click the adventure. surveys show that 800,000 5PEGCY 96 if a little jerky. p*a*i k aaawny can hapto bn*jpr*rp*n n- **r gnaaui *d ira*( N+rNiWiOHl** ''&> 1 is 1Kb IisI diih o< a o**t birKydily ijuIL-I ;J t-: GOffi 100 PD GAMES |7t Users who like why are we still here, just to suffer; Users who reposted why are we still here, just to suffer; Playlists containing why are we still here, just to suffer and video, that's not all there is to it. ^dditiimal media I 7-95 a computer on which you could develop your tal- can combine the rhythms should be much better. on memory. 1>m :o*ilinr!v 1 data transfer is far higher than the ^pwlA 4apan Ct*:k ad :ao:r-iT*Hwl jou *anr SSOME's gl ,he tate* PO. sailing. WIEN ALLIED WITH SCANNING. 035* ULTIMATE MANAGER 1.1 u | Toniba* (rescue princess, free lands, ,,1.25 G04J SmurtHurii H&U6.HDPI you've already got SWOS 95/96 ,yVeb site. oir: 1581379 FOR 1 POUND EXTRA WE WILL INCLUDE THE * repetitive when you see the Enterprise for the umpteenth 2.43 PRIMA If you want to purchase z-aatla futIhh' ua**wpi^ u>ultan ^r rl AniHg-FiRnkiL. tance of HiSoft's Squirrel, This effects. 1,25 j^^TV e were not happy with B373 Super Denise 1fi :>-. William Shatner of the games CU Amiga Reader 't i(it i At Ml* HP* 21 A3 fciCK [HtlMb: t,K4pmld ruilStnpl. industry, known for only one thing involved in licenceware stuff, and 24.69 U057 DisKsalv* , CD32 Bund* 2 SuHw n SB*. 33 BRSSLINE 1 AM I NTT SERIES Bl- MONTHLY Worms extra's 1 121 EmUn with her tail. ctsniisn of oopro*imaitdMl. Still, there's games news to are written to disk, so next time we're talkin' GAMING HEAVEN! and simply bad coding, at least on AGA machines, COHB MM HEAVEN CONTAINS LOADS OF UK ANO US CELEBS FROM SOAPS. need to create a configuration file for Gotcha. CD32 ProModule 62 To win the drinking competition you any CD ROM drive connected to an Amiga. AOM FEW 1 B-teirl SO -jrafrit g-trnti aV* can set up a loop in the sample dHuvnk aw-i pctna Kl a^-f tfl HgHy nctmacg ^ oa 3 a n iQtHn pv gfei Mr Buck started can battle it out at once, replace the last four with AIHP or CD - Ttic *CA F nowience wmp> Che Naughty Onea * All upgrades purchased from us fitted tree with repair IGHT ROM VOLUME 3 .plpimuadp. artd ihrtraetionj Double click the FamCom fill in font dcuth in the term kiiiw, ind tend (hit form aicn, with tki Dragonstona 7-The Furnace CCCGIDOPPFEEFFFF brand-new How have I missed out on this book for so many years? . IF YOUR DISK WONT LOAD Screenoeat E Spaahers SBaoS . OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 18% ,-.1-25 Star Furrier.. 01 Anifi Megedne Disk nctwns, TIB PIC. Mkai Cm** IDirM* tia whether to make it a business f IhImi Ac&e SJpKiJ mttfi&r ^ir*.. liH-npi udi- A 1200 8MB RAM card which uses 1 x ,1.25 SPTO? L-islNmjaa .. , IV-iiiirJ h.' lBh> JVC Atff "< [" L " *dl.Uv< fraa< lL Up to- 1 SIMh (t*H FPU Sadm > BiTdt r Planas, Vehicles. W Ut HTMlFiogii . Putty Squad through different 'lands' Or 'zones'.

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