It has definitely gotten out of hand. "IES has been trying to help," Thomas said, but right now he just needs a "safe place" to get out of the cold rain at night. ABSOLUTELY!!! I can and am safe, but this article lets me know I am certainly never going to be prepared to visit this Ocala, or any other national forest. Explore their one-of-a-kind wonders. I was accosted a couple of times by doped-up transients while loading up my boat. We left our RV at in the managers parking lot (for a fee) at Clearwater Lake because we were told not to park overnight at the Florida Trail trailhead, due to reports of vandalism there.We decided to hike past the campground at Alexander Springs since it was full and it was still early in the afternoon. A bunch of drunken men trying to run down a woman on a horse, frankly scares the crap out of me. For one, Getting killed i. Electrical power outlets are available, and a portable bathroom is on site. Be aware that bears, alligators and raccoons frequent the area. There are crazies everywhere, but as long as you are vigilant, it is very unlikely that you will experience an encounter like those described in the article. And where you might find your car battery missing or a bullet hole in your car, if left unprotected beside the road. Urban Woodswalker, night hiking is common in warmer areas for obvious reasons. )There is no logic to your story. The night immediately prior to the Boatman murders, I was in the Forest in the same area, Juniper Springs and hiking at night in an area where I had observed lots of bear activity. It tells about a few of the problems law enforcement has had in the Forest. A gun has no life of its own. .your statement is a total missgood luck with that! Has there been any recent news of missing or murders? I have seen hunters "spotlighting" from their trucks on forest roads but none of these things mean violence towards humans is occurring. Odd comments, such as yours, are to taken lightly. Show me one place where you are 100% safeOne story you have not heard about here---is one where someone has gone totally bonkers and randomly killed mass people. Why don't you get the Police involved with your statements of Murder in the Forest?! The killings and body disposals are unfortunate but, in the larger picture, they are rare. Three campus cop who was playing along with UNLV sorority girls trying to steal my cats -- all of them actually caused me to become homeless from another apartment from that theft, so you can actually make that six times if you include campus cops. My family loves to come to our home for gatherings and family outings. Forest where Larry (Frank) Dugger was shot and killed while attending a Rainbow Gathering. There definitely are some ruffians in the group. We crossed that road and saw a couple of trucks pass the Trail behind us. Well, you made a lot of unfounded assumptions.. The beauty of the place is all being destroyed by people leaving trash everywhere. Location: South of 466a, if you don't like me.I live in Orlando. I'm pretty sure no killers are following this blog. Welcome to Ocala Outreach Foundation! Urban Woodswalker. Late 50s, early 60's. I grew up in the Ocala National Forest and I can tell you that yes it's great to camp, fish etc. Its doesnt matter if they happen elsewhere in cities, or wherever. And of course they are lacking in empathy, heart, and considerations. Charles Sumner Wesley II, 72, a Vietnam War veteran who served in the U.S. Army from 1967 . Of course it is true of any large wooded area not yet ruined by the government and regulated by the criminals known as police. Save for a select few that do not work day to day around LEO's or the criminals the are responsible for catching. You must be a moron, to write crap like this.The Forest like any place else in this world has crime, but then if you look into Ocala, well there crime rate is much higher.So whats the difference?Nothing, nada. Sounds like you have something in common with the Murders. Visit? Stick to the main areas of the forest. I have never heard any Law Enforcement Officer that would make that statement unless it was someone that was not physically or mentally capable. In my 40 years of Living out here and growing up out here, I have had few issues definitely had to run off meth heads from dealing outside my property fence for many years. Yes, on Friday and Saturday nights there are many locals that go out in the forest and go 4 wheeling, or party at the lakes. Now, being alone in a national forest, with no emergency services, no cell phone, miles from help, and being confronted by people who might torture and rape you FOR DAYS before killing you now that is far more scary than any gang violence. Not so much these days oh, because I do believe there are more but curious individuals roaming the woods then ever. The park also haslimited daytime hours. Ive been going to rainbow gatherings since i was 16 40 now. The forest is so beautiful. He was probably harmless, I'll never know, but I was quick to move before he saw me duck into the forest where I then hurried back to my car. It's a one of a kind forest and is the most south tropical-like national forest in the US. Murders dont care- They dont have hearts..,thats why they murder! Its also a very dangerous deadly place. There was no cell phone reception.After we set up our tent and were cooking dinner, a white 4X4 king cab pickup came driving up slowly, stopped and turned around just past our tent. Burying someone deep in the forest allows them to get away with the crime. Again not uncommon in any place one would live. Some of the comments here are just plain ignorant. Its once-pure waters have been stained with the blood of innocents. Never once did I fear anything in these woods. It is a very beautiful place. so to all who feel afraid of "The Forest" relax and enjoy it don't fear it. You know, the one that says, "The body was found in a wooded area." about a hundred times or more all over the world, not just in the forest.ANY person with ANY sense knows if you are camping or simp0ly traveling, you will meet sketchy people on the run, anti social people living by their wits, thieves, druggies and rough folks. Also just the fact that "some" members of society carry a firearm, everyone benefits when criminals know they may encounter someone trained and licensed to carry a firearm.I am sure there will be some that feel better knowing that when the visit the ONF. I no longer live in FL to enjoy the forest and I do miss it. More and more people are moving off grid and throwing away devices and conventional means of living because of the corruption of this country and its ownership by the corporations who control it. Then I saw him walk from out behind the dumpster towards the bike. Most times that Ive met fellow hikers they were super friendly. We like living in the forest versus the city of Ocala. Not pack it all up and head back into town.So The Forest is a great place to live. Especially when most of our communities out here are poor people. He was pretty with it still, but speech was hard to understand and he was pretty much locked into a loop of about five . And those pretty young girls, yea, daddy taught'em to shoot when they were little, and one of them is fixing to put 2 in your chest. Many years ago you could make a "Hunting Buggy" that did not need to meet the same standards as vehicles on the roads. Most beautiful place in the forest. Come during the week or have a larger group on the weekends. However, there are many meth heads and numerous Other Drug activities in the neighborhood where I reside. What is up with this activity? I stumbled on this site researching gun laws in the park. Its a magical place. This is where I come to feel that there is a god. . Yes, I've heard guns going off at night and some hunters wait by small ponds in the forest and use night-vision scopes to hunt. Tackling Society's Biggest Challenges: Announcing the 2022 Top-Rated Nonprofit Award Winners Ocala Nonprofits and Charities Starting Over Animal Refuge Inc 350 reviews Writer wrote: Melissa Candow runs this Rescue with a determination, dedication, and a heart bigger than the Universe. All at our finger tips.We can sit out in our backyard and have camp fires and then the luxury of walking into our home to go sleep. They would slow down where the Florida Trail crossed the road, and then roar off. It makes absolutely no sense. I got a weird vibe as I went into the store. There are bears and just had one recently that was slashing tents looking for food. The Ocala National Forrwst has more bodies burried in it then almost anywhere in the US. Because you are a coward and afraid to come clean, admit to an heinous crime. Its full of "rainbow people" doing what cults do. No questions asked, if you threaten me or try and steal from me, or approach me after you are told to stay away you will be shot, then you will be fed to the gators. I think this story is crap! I am now 62, and still do not feel guns are suitable for ME. were you searching for murders in the forest for a reason to spew your vile? Sister Concepta Najjemba of Blessed Trinity, who manages the soup kitchen, said recently about 150 people or more have been eating a daily meal at the outreach. My heart goes out to you :'( Did she know anyone in Ocklawaha? If I knew when I bought this place about all that goes on here would I choose to live here again? Many people who live here in The Villages have kind and generous hearts. You can update the murders to include Andy Parrish of Interlachen, Fl. 4.8/5. It's a chance I take. Sincerely,Sharon in the Forest(just another Forest peep). And if you want to live in a crime free place, you might as well die now because the only place your going to find that is in heaven. Familiarity with criminal behavior does not make one a criminal. It felt like a lawless frontier. Ive encountered rainbow people who came out of the forest looking completely rugged and smelling like piss, but they simply nodded and continued on their way. This browser is no longer supported. They brew up gallons of meth out . Hop on the Ocala Adventure Trail to drive a 47-mile loop through the sand pine scrub. What northern Florida lacks in the glitz and glamour of the south, it more than makes up for in natural, rugged beauty. Great blog! Go at your own pace, and steer clear of the resident wildlife, including gopher tortoises, black bears, and. Ashamedly, naive of most of these stories. Just wonder what they do to get by. The forest is an amazing place year around to explore with many trails, springs, and the incredible Sliver Springs State Park. The figures from the 2022 PIT count will not be released for several weeks. He could of turned out to be crazy, or he might of thought we were. It is not just the Ocala National Forest. There are several small towns and living areas in the forest. And he is absolutely right about the rainbow people. Dirty, unshaven, and built. I guess the very fact that the climate is tolerable to be outdoors if you have to year around draws people with no homes. It is more than obvious that wired stuff occurred there when you look at what lies next to it. ocala national forest cannibals. The ministries have also sponsored hygiene programs, local produce gleaning projects, Thanksgiving dinners, education for food dehydration methods and medical clinics. So sick of the government and media playing us all like a bunch of lemmings. Even carrying a gun doesnt make one safe all the time. I carry a gun in the forest because some of the animals are dangerous, from snakes up to humans ,and now I've never met one to cause me trouble. Woods, forest, lakes these are all places people have used in the the past to do bad things and hide stuff so yes, arm yourself. Mass disapproval of this lifestyle is foolish. Zillow has 217 homes for sale in Florida matching Ocala National Forest. That would have been 3300 BC. Its not the forest. You don't carry the kinds of high powered automatic rifles they carry to hunt for sport. Its not a cult but a group of many different people and personalitys. Well maintained trail with lots of serenity. The four wheelers tear up the foot paths and take away any peace and quiet you might be trying to get. But, there are also just regular folks, movie stars, famous singers, the good, the bad and the ugly. Violence happens in wilderness areas because there is no one around to witness it. Just because it has not certainly has for the people mentioned in these, and in stories all over the news. Because when I was younger I did walk in their shoes to. Unknown, Salt Springs is a nice area. If you can't handle it then it's simple, stay home. I hear guns going off in the forests near my home too, and I am thinking what animal is being illegally poached, or what human is being killed? My grandpa had had a stroke a couple years previously and mom moved him in to live with them. Project SOS has now benefited 81 youngsters with approximately $160,000 in scholarships, according to Kadow. Just do not do it on my property. For those who cannot understand the nature of being self sufficient and living with nature, carrying a weapon for safety, being responsible for what you leave behind, leaving no footprint, not desecrating the land, etc., stay in your comfortable box and never venture out.The climate of distrust is incited by the media. It was only because I had a gun that I got out with life and limb. Blue You never know who is reading our comments, it can be a murder. You don't carry the kinds of high powered automatic rifles they carry to hunt for sport. National forests and grasslands are increasingly being used for residential purposes by people who are homeless or those voluntarily living "off the grid." Public lands can serve as a temporary residence for families, unemployed workers, or those lacking affordable housing. I have spent decades in the woods hiking alone, as a single female. Our high school group meet every six months at a restaurant in Wesley Chapel. Good day, Sir. Not saying they are gonna hurt you. Wonderful! Hi Connie,If you'll contact me at I'd be willing to write a more detailed account of Crhistine's case. Hey Dave, I'm sure that was not a fun experience at all. They came to you on a boat ramp looking for a few bucks and you sent them on there way.Stay in Ocala, Please for our safety and yours. I took his photo as he passed to prove to my wife that he was real. I live in the Ocala National Forest. We appreciate any help but please get the facts straight. In MY OPINION. He also counted and interviewed people around IES Thursday. I have also worked in Law Enforcement for a number of years and made many Felony arrests. The IES complex includes the one-acre "Agape Park" on the south side of Southwest SecondStreet, where people are welcomeovernight when the temperature is above about 60 degrees. I have learned to stay far away from forest roads on Friday/Sat nights because that's when the drunken stuff happens. All rights reserved. In cooperation with the State Commission of Game and Fresh Water Fish, a wildlife management area of 296,400 acres has been established on the Ocala. A Great Place To Get Away!! - Ocala Outreach Foundation Inc. We hope you try us out and help us help others. It needs to have plenty of gas and if you are going to be driving on trails, it needs to be a 4 wheel drive. I am in Law enforcement. And be sure not to leave food in your area at night. The people who accosted me did more than panhandle--in one case, they stole some stuff out of my truck, and in another case they threatened me. I'm camping there soon. So where should the police investigate these murders? Never even knew about the two college students that were gunned down there. I live in the forest . Absolutely, more bodies, killings, and suicides have occurred in the National Forest since this article was first written. I pray you and your sick mind will burn in hell, and your soul will rot in eternity; never to reincarnate again on a peaceful planet! Then there were no more trucks we could hear and we got up and walked the last two miles without incident. Ive been hiking, biking, camping, and 4wheeling the Ocala National Forest for 30 years now. As I reread these comments, I agree with most all of the things you have said here. And you mentioned that you are in the Criminal Justice System. However, forensics, and police/ coroners reports often have the data and factual documentation of bodies and murders in forests, natural areas and wilderness. OMG. Then they started moving again, shining lights into the woods. So be it.Robert, I would report Luveprecious to the US Forest service. Yogi the Bear. 4.8 (6 reviews) Free cancellation up to 14 days before check-in. I guess we are the only place in the entire world that has crime..Are you a moron? I have lived in the Ocala national forest for a good portion of my life. Even though more police are murdered in small towns than in the Ocala National Forest, I did include that in the count.The forest is beautiful. Stop denying it. Recently hiked the Florida Trail with my dog from Clearwater Lake to Rodman dam. Violence happens in wilderness areas because there is no one around to witness it. Urban woodswalker I stated what I wished for! Big Bass Campground 9. There are homeless people and criminals living out there in tents and homemade huts. We received $135,000in the July 2020-June 2021 grant cycle," Rodriguez stated in an email. Such as with the DC shooing rampage-at their Naval shipyard, just this week. I take my daughter whenever I can, and am trying to help arrange a camping trip for her and her friends.Over the years the Forest has changed, as have the people in and around it. One of the men had . They are destroying the Lord's creations. Places like Hopkins prairie, for example, are usually crowded with campers and there is even a host that comes around at night to check on the campsites and make sure everyone is safe. Dumpster towards the bike the store go at your own pace, and in all. ' ( did she know anyone in Ocklawaha: ' ( did she anyone. Can update the murders projects, Thanksgiving dinners, education for food the murders portable is. Entire world that has crime.. are you a moron all who feel afraid of `` the body was in. When the drunken stuff happens pass the Trail behind us I knew when I bought this place all. Have a larger group on the weekends a total missgood luck with!! The DC shooing rampage-at their Naval shipyard, just this week there been any news. Men trying to get, education for food dehydration methods and medical clinics I bought this place about that... The criminal Justice System for food dehydration methods and medical clinics the park there when you at... 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