Skin tends to be darker as well as their hair. They also need more sleep than others to fully recover. For example, Pluto in Scorpio in the first house will give a really intense, deep, complex, and magnetic personality. What about Saturn conjunct the descendant? Saturn in Astrology is our limitation in life. One important rule for this is "when the planet sits in its own Rashi in the seventh house then it is going to produce the beautiful results. Natives are likely to have clearly defined ambitions and the ability to achieve them. In the birth chart, Saturn shows where you have life lessons to learn. You are better at solving problems than dealing with peoples emotions. Or you might move through life with a heavy heart and a chip on your shoulder. And neptune, uranus(pisces) and mars(pisces) in the first house.. but also.. a virgo stellium (sun,mercury,venus,jupiter) but i feel like i dont really relate to virgo at all (just.. the perfectionist and detail oriented thing) but other than that.. no, i dont think so.. am i trippin? With Saturn located in the first house, a native can also be quite domineering, and generally unable to see anothers point of view. You will discover who you are underneath by working through your issues in partnerships and friendships. Their mars conjunct my south node. You like to stand out from the crowd. Saturn dominant careers are grounded and reality-oriented. In astrology, Saturn rules the bones, and Saturn dominant people often have a great bone structure. He is in his own league. Others around you can see that youre responsible, sensible, and direct. It also aspect the Lagna or Ascendant as well as the 4th house of Happiness. Planets located near the ascendant influence your appearance too. Yet, you are immensely committed to your life path. On the opposite end of the axis is the Descendant- which indicates what we are subconsciously attracted to in partnerships . Anyone who is not essential is dead weight. This can be really difficult for you because it feels natural to hide who you are. If Uranus is in your first house, people think you to be totally unpredictable because you are! Saturn is capable of extraordinary achievements. In general, it causes long arms, fingers, and hands. Remember that its OK with Saturn opposition Ascendant to have difficult relationships. Jupiter is the supreme god of the Romans. Its not so much what he does but who he is that wins peoples hearts. The Mars conjunct Juno synastry aspect can create a fun and fiery relationship. I am an intuitive. Saturn opposition Ascendant usually indicates that relationships are a core part of your shadow-work. People with Saturn conjunct Ascendant may have a hard time trusting others, especially in the early stages of a relationship. I have pluto in scorpio (I was born during THAT generation and the first special event (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune conjuction in Capricorn) as well) and moon on the cusp of scorpio and sagittarius (33) in the first. Saturn conjunct Ascendant transit is a time of hard work and extra responsibility. They have a slim face and strong jaw and cheekbones. Besides ruling Capricorn, Saturn also ruled Aquarius before the discovery of Uranus (traditional astrologers still use Saturn as the rules of Aquarius). With a Saturn dominant planet, you are well aware of how harsh reality is. But Pluto in Capricorn will give a less intense personality due to the cold and calculating nature of the sign. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The natives tend to be romantic and are likely to buy many gifts for their lovers and show their affection in other ways. This is especially true for those who have their natal Saturn in the first househow Saturn plays out in your in life exactly depends on its house, sign, and aspects. Venus conjunct or in close aspect to the ascendant or its Lord enhances appearance, giving elegance. So the mixing, or harmony, between the sign of the first house and the planets there (if there be any) will produce the specific appearance of a person. You may also feel that you struggle to take risks. People tend to want to follow such leaders because they perceive light in them. You are likely to go by your feeling and intuition rather than by your thought. Thank you every day for your great work! The behavior is likely to be quite changeable and dependable on the phases of the moon. A bad mercurial person is a classic long-fingered thief, especially if Mercury is badly aspected by Mars. If you put things off, simple problems or tasks can become more challenging. Your partnerships may feel really difficult, but remember that youre always learning lessons and getting close to fulfillment when you simply keep trying. One of the best ways to deal with Saturn problems is building self-discipline and facing reality as it is. With Chiron conjunct the Ascendant, it can show someone who is often very self conscious, feeling like an exposed nerve most of the time. To calculate the ascendant, the MC, and the house cusps, you need your exact birth time. You don't reach out to people, you wait for people to be drawn to you. Natives will feel better after the return of Saturn to its natal position, which takes place at around 29 or 30 years of age. Jamie, is transit Saturn opposition ASC much the same? You love discussing ideas with others, reading books, and finding out information about topics that interest you. They know early on in their life who they are and what they want. You feel responsible for your family and others, for problems that are not your fault and have many responsibilities placed on you from an early age. If it stands alone in the house, and is in a disagreeable sign, then it can give problems with health and a reserved and cold disposition. Appearance: Saturn gives a downcast look, small and sometimes dark eyes, often dark circles around eyes. Your intelligence and the sense of self manifests through the social and graceful sign of Libra, whilst Pluto and Saturn in Scorpio show karma to do with sexuality and that things governed by Scorpio might be strongly wished but its difficult to get them. This aspect generally affects your relationships, but you will see these qualities show upmost in your one-on-one friendships and romantic partnerships. Usually, it gifts a beautiful appearance in general. The more things you leave outstanding, the more you will worry. It can be really scary to open yourself up to judgment and criticism. It's angular (in the first house), closely conjunct his Ascendant, well-aspected, and in the sign of its exaltation, all of which makes him exceptionally competitive and aggressive. I have an aquarius ascendant conjunct neptune. Saturn conjunct Ascendant natal makes you a shy and conservative person. With strong Neptune in the first house, there might be disharmony between your needs, as the first house is all about self and your own needs. What if someone has no planets in their first house? The native might be rather slow. That doesnt ring entirely true to me. This can be a great skill, but its also important that you learn to open up to those closest to you. You clam up and just cant break free of your bonds. For example, Saturn trine the Sun adds a some Saturnian energy to the Sun (which is the core of your personality). Dear Simona, thanks a lot for sharing. My moon is in my first house and I actually have the worst mental health and found I cant work some day and etc. This planet can make you shy and feel awkward on the inside. You like to shock people with your appearance because this helps to break preconceived notions of the masses. Thank you, Derek, I fixed it. Because of this, you need the birth time for the exact position of the Moon, too. I have so many planets, Im not really sure how to read them all together? In this scenario, you learned that other peoples issueswere your problems. You may come across as especially solemn or austere and repress some of the emotions that you feel inside. Saturn is conjunct Uranus. Sometimes, people with these aspects are true old souls, while others might distant or aloof. Some measure of your desire to withdraw can be useful now, though. They can be self-indulgent and over-generous, and others can take advantage of that. Most people only look at their sun sign, but actually, your ascendant is very important to understand as well. Good aspects to the planets Venus and Jupiter further increase his warm personality and magnetism. Saturn Conjunct Saturn This is the storied Saturn return, whether you're having it between the ages of 28.5-30, 58-60, or 88-90. As you grow older, simple problems can start to feel complicated and heavy. However, you need to learn how to let down your walls and go with the flow. Alternatively, you might be the responsible, strict partner in relationships. This was learned in childhood. In general, the first house can be described as the House of Self. Saturn wants to oversee everything and make sure that everything is optimized.On the other hand, Saturn is the planet of time, something we cannot control at all. (At one point I was even considering discarding my large collection of astrology books! Your lover will admire you for your dependability and loyalty. So, for example, Venus close to the Sun would mean that the person may use sex to succeed in a career. You should use your determination to leave your mark in this world, and its very likely that you will not be happy with anyone helping you because you want to make a success out of yourself only through your own efforts. You'll need that space to think, and perhaps you'd do well to reserve a special time during the day to study and reflect on your life. Appearance: If you have Uranus in the first house, the closer it is to your ascendant, the more you are likely to dress in a way that is very unusual. It can give a high forehead, large eyes, as well as the tendency of baldness in later age in men. There is no quick-fix for Saturn problems. Appearance: Neptune close to the ascendant in the first house in astrology gives the native hypnotic and dreamy eyes. Making people believe you are powerful. Even though its instinctive, like all trines, it also creates a lot of social issues that are hard to undo. Progressed Mercury conjunct Ascendant Your ability and inclination to express yourself in person are way up, and you can make your case clearly and convincingly anytime and anywhere you show up. Also, quite a lot of people with Venus in the first house have narcissistic qualities. Captivating. These cookies do not store any personal information. Your planet of action is joined to your promoter and you show your talents prominently. It can gift the love of that which is beautiful, as the planet Venus rules Taurus. Sometimes such individuals can even choose to have plastic surgery done to correct a perceived fault, but that isnt usually the case. Because if its close to other planets, then it will burn them; which means that the influence of that planet will weaken. They usually do everything differently from how the masses act. People dont usually dislike you, but they arent drawn to you either because you hide who you are. When the aspects of Uranus are good, you will experience many events that seem lucky, and if the aspects are negative, you will experience quite a lot of bad luck. Saturn dominant people often start out slowly or from a not so promising situation. The most prominent feature of Saturn is its ring. There are no shortcuts and overnight successes with this planet. It will often seem that the universe is holding you back for some reason, denying you success and happiness. It has a slow, gloomy, austere, frightening energy to most people. Good examples of celebrities with Saturn in the first house in astrology: A bad Saturnian type is a classic dark person who hates the world and doesnt mind doing evil. Mercury is conjunct his Midheaven. Here are some characteristics of planets in the first house, together with examples of planets in the first house of various celebrities.Neptune in the first house * Uranus in the first house * Pluto in the first house * Saturn in the first house * Jupiter in the first house * Mars in the first house *Sun in the first house * Venus in the first house * Mercury in the first house * Moon in the first house. It's important to define who you are and how you'll proceed on your own terms. This doesnt mean that you dont engage in risky behaviors, but simply that you dont go after the things youreally want because youre afraid to try. The native is likely to have a prominent nose and shapely eyebrows. People think you to be mysterious. Many people having Saturn in their first house do not enjoy a happy peaceful married life. Youre very strong-willed and know what you want. Therefore, planets located in the first house alter the classic appearance that each zodiac sign gifts. You are often shy and self-conscious as a child, teenager, and young adult. Venus dominants are charming, Mercury dominants are witty, but what about Saturn dominants? The King of the Universe is kind and wise..and so are you Jamie Partridge. Hi, I have Mars and Venus conjunct in capricorn in first house, but I dont know what represent me more, I think both, but how I know? It may influence one to be arrogant, hypocritically religious, or a religious extremist. Umm so basically my moon and pluto are conjunct together in my first house. Also my first house is ruled by sagittarius meaning I am a sagittarius ascendant so what does this mean pls help, i have pluto in the 1st house and venus on the last degree of my 12th house (in sag), is that good or bad, 28th june 1979(premature),born 12:45 pm,karachi,sindh,pakistan. You accept challenges that help to develop your intelligence. Instead, you should protect your energy so that you yourself understand who you are. I instantly nodded (in awe) to your more focused on relationships. You may love music, poetry and other forms of art, as well as beautiful surroundings and everything that is pretty. Those located in the second half will influence the way you act and think. Appearance: if you have Pluto in the first house, you will have intense sexual magnetism on the darker side. Opening doors to secret places with just a look. Self-acceptance is important if you want to be at peace with yourself. An afflicted Neptune can make one lose touch with reality and live in a dream world, or develop addictions to mind-altering substances. Dont lose hope! They are usually way ahead of others in thinking because their ability to think is very quick. Even his eyes cannot reveal who he or she is. The Moon changes signs every two and a half days. Possible accidents are indicated in the first house also, especially those that might affect the head as I told you already. Whitneys Jupiter is away from the ascendant but still in the first house (conjunct the Moon.). It sets boundaries to what we can and . Its likely since she easily gains weight. here you areyouve stumbled across it yourself and taken to it like a duck to water! Most of the time, these people tend to have very low self worth which results in depression and feelings of hopelessness, particularly when they are young. This is because you dont feel that you have the capability to be responsible foe your own life, so you attract people who will take over the role of controlling you and your life. However, you need to be careful that you dont become too self-reliant or rigid. IP: Logged. This aspect will force you into difficult relationships with people who teach you these lessons. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. What mostly happens is that they just complain about their perceived unattractive qualities. You tend to speak a great deal and its dangerous to entrust any secrets to you. Mars can gift piercing eyes, confident countenance, fearless and active disposition. He is often inhibited, serious, and reserved. They need time to adjust to the world. They may not listen to the advice of older people and if their Mars has a bad aspect to Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto, the native risks developing self-destructive behaviors. Control is one of the most Saturnian things in astrology (not in an obsessed way, thats Pluto). The topic of external appearance is far more enigmatic as that of health which is quite easy to understand by analysing the Ascendant, the luminaries (the Sun and the Moon), the Ascendant ruler, the 6th and 8th houses (accidents or traumas), as well as the 12th House, though the latter gives more indirect and covert clues. Often, you have to learn to express your emotions in a healthy way. You feel that for some reason, the life area of the house where Saturn is placed in your chart is stuck. You certainly have a strong work ethic, but being too responsible is such a thing. People as such need a lot of time alone, to recover from feeling so many different energies of others. You are likely to be sensual and have some artistic talent. Saturn stays in the same sign for 2.5 years, it has an orbital period of approximately 29 years. That doesnt mean that everyone is privy to your inner thoughts as you keep those very guarded, but they can see these outer elements of your personality. Saturn dominants often feel that they have to deal with the limitations of Saturn much more frequently than most people. However, youre mainly afraid of this becauseyou tend to judge and criticize others so much. This overly cautious attitude can make it difficult for you to make friends. The native likes structure and doesnt mind working hard. He could become a spendthrift and may become financially dependent on other people, but he will think others to owe him for the kind of person that he is. (Ive already provided a table close to the start of the article to check if signs agree or disagree with the planets.) You felt that everything was out of control as a child, so you like to stay in areas you havecomplete control over now. You're an enigma, and people are fascinated by you. You like to be alone and are often interested in things that the world holds repulsive, scary, or negative. Saturn conjunct ascendant suggests that you are insecure about your body, especially when young. Usually, the Saturn opposition Ascendant aspect indicates that you didnt receive enough praise or encouragement as a child. A prominent, well-aspected Saturn in the birth chart often indicates a person who becomes successful in climbing the hierarchy ladder. Responsibility is the main keyword for this aspect. Thank you for sharing this about you, Donovan. Thus, a pure Mercury influence can be fully felt only if it stands 7 to 12 degrees away from other planets (degrees depending on each planet, as all of them have a different orb size). When you work on these qualities, you will come to realize that other people arent as critical and will most likely accept who you are, when youre able to show them. The flow fiery relationship planets in their first house and I actually have the mental. Close aspect to the Ascendant but still in the second half will influence the way you act and.. Conjunct or in close aspect to the Ascendant influence your appearance too be totally unpredictable you... Everything that is pretty others so much choose to have a prominent nose and eyebrows. Have clearly defined ambitions and the ability to achieve them to judge and criticize others so much appearance that zodiac... 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